V Rhymend Uthariaraj
V Rhymend Uthariaraj
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Load balancing in cloud computing environment using improved weighted round robin algorithm for nonpreemptive dependent tasks
DC Devi, VR Uthariaraj
The scientific world journal 2016 (1), 3896065, 2016
Object-oriented software fault prediction using neural networks
S Kanmani, VR Uthariaraj, V Sankaranarayanan, P Thambidurai
Information and software technology 49 (5), 483-492, 2007
Particle swarm optimization (PSO)-based node and link lifetime prediction algorithm for route recovery in MANET
D Manickavelu, RU Vaidyanathan
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2014, 1-10, 2014
ANN models optimized using swarm intelligence algorithms
N Kayarvizhy, S Kanmani, RV Uthariaraj
WSEAS Transactions on Computers 13 (45), 501-519, 2014
Object oriented software quality prediction using general regression neural networks
S Kanmani, VR Uthariaraj, V Sankaranarayanan, P Thambidurai
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 29 (5), 1-6, 2004
Fault tolerant scheduling strategy for computational grid environment
M Nandagopal, VR Uthariaraj
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 2 (9), 4361-4372, 2010
An improved list-based task scheduling algorithm for fog computing environment
R Madhura, BL Elizabeth, VR Uthariaraj
Computing 103 (7), 1353-1389, 2021
Common fixed point theorem for T-Hardy-Rogers contraction mapping in a cone metric space
R Sumitra, VR Uthariaraj, R Hemavathy
International mathematical forum 5 (30), 1495-1506, 2010
Efficient algorithms to solve broadcast scheduling problem in WiMAX mesh networks
R Gunasekaran, S Siddharth, P Krishnaraj, M Kalaiarasan, VR Uthariaraj
Computer Communications 33 (11), 1325-1333, 2010
Hierarchical load balancing scheme for computational intensive jobs in Grid computing environment
N Malarvizhi, VR Uthariaraj
2009 First International Conference on Advanced Computing, 97-104, 2009
An enhanced scheduling in weighted round robin for the cloud infrastructure services
R Basker, VR Uthariaraj, DC Devi
International Journal of Recent Advance in Engineering & Technology 2 (3), 81-86, 2014
Hierarchical status information exchange scheduling and load balancing for computational grid environments
M Nandagopal, RV Uthariaraj
IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 10 (2 …, 2010
A minimum time to release job scheduling algorithm in computational grid environment
N Malarvizhi, VR Uthariaraj
2009 Fifth International Joint Conference on INC, IMS and IDC, 13-18, 2009
A survey on trust models in cloud computing
K Gokulnath, R Uthariaraj
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (47), 1-7, 2016
Sender initiated decentralized dynamic load balancing for multi cluster computational grid environment
M Nandagopal, K Gokulnath, VR Uthariaraj
Proceedings of the 1st Amrita ACM-W Celebration on Women in Computing in …, 2010
Improving Fault prediction using ANN-PSO in object oriented systems
N Kayarvizhy, S Kanmani, R Uthariaraj
International Journal of Computer Applications 73 (3), 0975-8887, 2013
A broker-based approach to resource discovery and selection in Grid environments
N Malarvizhi, VR Uthariaraj
2008 International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering, 322-326, 2008
An approach to find redundant objective function (s) and redundant constraint (s) in multi-objective nonlinear stochastic fractional programming problems
V Charles, A Udhayakumar, VR Uthariaraj
European Journal of Operational Research 201 (2), 390-398, 2010
Identity‐Based Public Auditing Scheme for Cloud Storage with Strong Key‐Exposure Resilience
SMV Nithya, VR Uthariaraj
Security and Communication Networks 2020 (1), 4838497, 2020
Intelligent UAV-assisted localisation to conserve battery energy in military sensor networks
PS Perumal, VR Uthariaraj, VRE Christo
Defence Science Journal 64 (6), 557, 2014
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