Damilare Oluwole Akande. PhD
Damilare Oluwole Akande. PhD
Reader, Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Ladoke Akintola University of
在 lautech.edu.ng 的电子邮件经过验证
An overview of RF energy harvesting and information transmission in cooperative communication networks
FK Ojo, DO Akande, MFM Salleh
Telecommunication Systems 70, 295-308, 2019
Comparative evaluation of fading channel model selection for mobile wireless transmission system
ZK Adeyemo, DO Akande, FK Ojo, HO Raji
International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks 4 (6), 127, 2012
Design of an S-band rectangular microstrip patch antenna
KO Odeyemi, DO Akande, EO Ogunti
European Journal of Scientific Research 55 (1), 72-79, 2011
A network lifetime extension-aware cooperative MAC protocol for MANETs with optimized power control
DO Akande, MFM Salleh
IEEE Access 7, 18546-18557, 2019
Optimal power allocation in cooperative networks with energy-saving protocols
FK Ojo, DO Akande, MFM Salleh
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (5), 5079-5088, 2020
A multi-objective target-oriented cooperative MAC protocol for wireless ad-hoc networks with energy harvesting
DO Akande, MFM Salleh
IEEE Access 8, 25310-25325, 2020
MAC protocol for cooperative networks, design challenges, and implementations: a survey
DO Akande, MFM Salleh, FK Ojo
Telecommunication Systems 69, 95-111, 2018
Matlab based teaching tools for microstrip patch antenna design
KO Odeyemi, DO Akande, EO Ogunti
Journal of telecommunication 7 (2), 2011
Speech Enhancement in Wireless Communication System Using Hybrid Spectral-Kalman Filter
ET Olawole, DO Akande, Adeyemo, Z.K
International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering …, 2022
Performance of RS and BCH codes over correlated Rayleigh fading channel using QAM modulation technique
DO Akande, FK Ojo, RO Abolade
Journal of Information and Engineering Applications 4 (9), 88-94, 2014
Symbol error rate analysis of M-QAM with equal gain combining over a mobile satellite channel
ZK Adeyemo, IA Ojedokun, DO Akande
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 3 (6), 849, 2013
Energy-efficient cluster-based cooperative spectrum sensing in a multiple antenna cognitive radio network
SI Ojo, ZK Adeyemo, DO Akande, AO Fawole
International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and …, 2021
Energy‐efficiency‐based CMAC protocol with hybrid time–power splitting relaying for wireless ad‐hoc networks
D Oluwole Akande, MF Mohd Salleh
IET Communications 13 (17), 2778-2785, 2019
Educational Tool for Rectangular and Circular Microstrip Antenna Design
KO Odeyemi, DO Akande, EO Ogunti
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN, 0974-3154, 2012
Performance evaluation of a wireless cooperative network with maximal ratio combining technique
FK Ojo, B Olajide, DO Akande, OF Oseni
FUOYE Journal of Engineering and Technology 7 (2), 169-173, 2022
Effect of Rician Factor in Satellite Communication Signal with MAP-MQAM Demodulation
Adeyemo Z.K, Bello I.F, Akande D.O and Badrudeen A.A
International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies 5 (5), 25-34, 2015
Game theory-based analysis of cooperative wireless networks with error control coding
OA Adeleke, DO Akande
2013 IEEE International Conference on Emerging & Sustainable Technologies …, 2013
Hybridization of zero forcing-minimum mean square error equalizer in multiple-input multiple-output system
A Damilare, Z Adeyemo, O Arowolo, O Oseni
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2022
Performance of MPSK and MQAM Modulation on Cooperative Relaying Systems over Rayleigh Fading Environment
Akande D.O, Ojo. F.K., Odebowale O.A, Lawal Y.O
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 6 (7), 1287-1291, 2015
Investigation of the Applicability of Garcia and ITU-R Models to Rainfall on Satellite Communication Link in Nigeria
ZK Adeyemo, DO Akande, FK Ojo
International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research 3 (11), 1-5, 2012
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