Yao “Henry” Jin, PhD
Yao “Henry” Jin, PhD
其他姓名Yao Jin, Henry Jin
Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management, Miami University of Ohio
在 miamioh.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Awareness is not enough: Commitment and performance implications of supply chain integration
YH Jin, AM Fawcett, SE Fawcett
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 43 (3 …, 2013
The impact of key retail accounts on supplier performance: A collaborative perspective of resource dependency theory
C Hofer, H Jin, RD Swanson, MA Waller, BD Williams
Journal of Retailing 88 (3), 412-420, 2012
The social process of Big Data and predictive analytics use for logistics and supply chain management
A Sodero, YH Jin, M Barratt
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 49 (7 …, 2019
I know it when I see it: the nature of trust, trustworthiness signals, and strategic trust construction
SE Fawcett, YH Jin, AM Fawcett, G Magnan
The International Journal of Logistics Management 28 (4), 914-938, 2017
Collaborative process design: A dynamic capabilities view of mitigating the barriers to working together
D Swanson, YH Jin, SE Fawcett, AM Fawcett
International Journal of Logistics Management 28 (2), 571, 2017
Forecasting with temporally aggregated demand signals in a retail supply chain
YH Jin, BD Williams, T Tokar, MA Waller
Journal of Business Logistics 36 (2), 199-211, 2015
Theoretical and empirical evidence of behavioral and production line factors that influence helping behavior
DE Cantor, Y Jin
Journal of Operations Management 65 (4), 312-332, 2019
Sweating the assets: Asset leanness and financial performance in the motor carrier industry
AM Fawcett, YH Jin, C Hofer, MA Waller, V Brazhkin
Journal of Business Logistics 37 (1), 43-58, 2016
To survive and thrive under hypercompetition: an exploratory analysis of the influence of strategic purity on truckload motor-carrier financial performance
YH Jin, D Swanson, M Waller, J Ozment
Transportation Journal 56 (1), 1-34, 2017
The impact of order fulfillment information disclosure on consequences of deceptive counterfeits
ST Peinkofer, YH Jin
Production and Operations Management 32 (1), 237-260, 2023
Understanding logistics and distribution innovations in China
H Chen, Y Jin, B Huo
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 50 (3 …, 2020
Collaborative capability and organizational performance: Assessing strategic choice and purity
SE Fawcett, AD Fawcett, D Swanson
International journal of production economics 214, 139-150, 2019
Masking the bullwhip effect in retail: the influence of data aggregation
YH Jin, BD Williams, MA Waller, AR Hofer
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2015
Trust in Value Co-Creation Strategies: Moving Toward a Conceptualization We Can Trust.
D Read, YH Jin, SE Fawcett
Journal of Business Logistics 35 (1), 2014
Do as You Say, or I Will: Retail signal congruency in buy‐online‐pickup‐in‐store and negative word‐of‐mouth
YH Jin, ML Ueltschy Murfield, DE Bock
Journal of Business Logistics 44 (1), 37-60, 2023
Y Jin, AM Fawcett, SE Fawcett
AM Fawcett, and SE Fawcett, SE, 205-30, 2013
How does the contingent sustainability–risk–cost relationship affect the viability of CSR? An emerging economy perspective
A Göçer, YH Jin, SE Fawcett
Sustainability 11 (19), 5435, 2019
It's nothing personal, or is it? Exploring the competitive implications of relational multiplexity in supply chains
M Howe, Y Jin
Journal of Supply Chain Management 58 (2), 26-47, 2022
Technological game changers: convergence, hype, and evolving supply chain design
S Fawcett, YH Jin, A Fawcett, E Bernardes
Production 28, e20180002, 2018
Environmental uncertainty and cross-buying in logistics outsourcing arrangements: a resource dependence perspective
AR Hofer, YH Jin, AM Knemeyer
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 51 (3 …, 2021
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