G. Reza Yousefi
G. Reza Yousefi
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Demand response modeling considering interruptible/curtailable loads and capacity market programs
HA Aalami, MP Moghaddam, GR Yousefi
Applied energy 87 (1), 243-250, 2010
Modeling and prioritizing demand response programs in power markets
HA Aalami, MP Moghaddam, GR Yousefi
Electric Power Systems Research 80 (4), 426-435, 2010
Demand response model considering EDRP and TOU programs
H Aalami, GR Yousefi, MP Moghadam
2008 IEEE/PES transmission and distribution conference and exposition, 1-6, 2008
Electric energy storage systems in a market-based economy: Comparison of emerging and traditional technologies
SJ Kazempour, MP Moghaddam, MR Haghifam, GR Yousefi
Renewable energy 34 (12), 2630-2639, 2009
Evaluation of nonlinear models for time-based rates demand response programs
HA Aalami, MP Moghaddam, GR Yousefi
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 65, 282-290, 2015
A robust optimization approach for active and reactive power management in smart distribution networks using electric vehicles
S Pirouzi, J Aghaei, MA Latify, GR Yousefi, G Mokryani
IEEE Systems Journal 12 (3), 2699-2710, 2017
Real Time Congestion Management in Power Systems Considering Quasi-Dynamic Thermal Rating and Congestion Clearing Time
MM Esfahani, GR Yousefi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 12 (2), 745-754, 2016
Comparative study on the performance of many‐objective and single‐objective optimisation algorithms in tuning load frequency controllers of multi‐area power systems
M Hajiakbari Fini, GR Yousefi, H Haes Alhelou
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 10 (12), 2915-2923, 2016
Economical design of utility-scale photovoltaic power plants with optimum availability
Z Moradi-Shahrbabak, A Tabesh, GR Yousefi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61 (7), 3399-3406, 2013
Energy storage system expansion planning in power systems: a review
MR Sheibani, GR Yousefi, MA Latify, S Hacopian Dolatabadi
IET Renewable Power Generation 12 (11), 1203-1221, 2018
Conjugate active and reactive power management in a smart distribution network through electric vehicles: A mixed integer-linear programming model
S Pirouzi, MA Latify, GR Yousefi
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 22, 100344, 2020
Risk-constrained dynamic self-scheduling of a pumped-storage plant in the energy and ancillary service markets
SJ Kazempour, MP Moghaddam, MR Haghifam, GR Yousefi
Energy Conversion and Management 50 (5), 1368-1375, 2009
Demand-side behavior in the smart grid environment
A Moshari, GR Yousefi, A Ebrahimi, S Haghbin
2010 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT …, 2010
Coordinated generation and transmission expansion planning for a power system under physical deliberate attacks
H Nemati, MA Latify, GR Yousefi
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 96, 208-221, 2018
Investigation on reactive power support capability of PEVs in distribution network operation
S Pirouzi, MA Latify, GR Yousefi
2015 23rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 1591-1596, 2015
Electricity industry restructuring in Iran
GR Yousefi, SM Kaviri, MA Latify, I Rahmati
Energy Policy 108, 212-226, 2017
PEV fast-charging station sizing and placement in coupled transportation-distribution networks considering power line conditioning capability
SN Hashemian, MA Latify, GR Yousefi
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (6), 4773-4783, 2020
Voltage variation mitigation using reactive power management of distributed energy resources in a smart distribution system
A Safavizadeh, GR Yousefi, HR Karshenas
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (2), 1907-1915, 2017
Optimum time of use program proposal for Iranian power systems
H Aalami, MP Moghadam, GR Yousefi
2009 International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion …, 2009
A MADM-based support system for DR programs
H Aalami, GR Yousefi, MP Moghadam
2008 43rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference, 1-7, 2008
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