Matthew McGinity
AVIE: a versatile multi-user stereo 360 interactive VR theatre
M McGinity, J Shaw, V Kuchelmeister, A Hardjono, DD Favero
Proceedings of the 2007 workshop on Emerging displays technologies: images …, 2007
Pearl: Physical environment based augmented reality lenses for in-situ human movement analysis
W Luo, Z Yu, R Rzayev, M Satkowski, S Gumhold, M McGinity, R Dachselt
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2023
Immersive mixed media augmented reality applications and technology
V Kuchelmeister, J Shaw, M McGinity, D Del Favero, A Hardjono
Advances in Multimedia Information Processing-PCM 2009: 10th Pacific Rim …, 2009
Immersive Media for Environmental Awareness
M McGinity
2018 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR) workshop …, 2018
TeachInVR: A virtual reality classroom for remote education
F Schier, K Chandran, M McGinity
2022 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and …, 2022
Similarity analysis of visual sketch-based search for sounds
L Engeln, NL Le, M McGinity, R Groh
Proceedings of the 16th International Audio Mostly Conference, 101-108, 2021
“E-WAFE”-A Full Body Embodied Social Exergame
A Kalaitzidou, N Senechal, P Dimitriou, K Chandran, M Mcginity
Extended Abstracts of the 2022 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human …, 2022
Real-time, head-tracked 3D audio with unlimited simultaneous sounds
C Jin, T Tan, A Kan, D Lin, A von Schaik, K Smith, M McGinity
Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD), 1-4, 2005
Dynascape: Immersive Authoring of Real-World Dynamic Scenes with Spatially Tracked RGB-D Videos
Z Yu, D Zeidler, V Victor, M McGinity
Proceedings of the 29th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and …, 2023
3DApe: a real-time 3D audio playback engine
A Kan, C Jin, T Tan, D Lin, A van Schaik, K Smith, M McGinity
Proceedings of AES 118th Convention. Barcelona:[sn] 6, 343, 2005
An immersive labeling method for large point clouds
T Lin, Z Yu, M McGinity, S Gumhold
Computers & Graphics 124, 104101, 2024
Bodylab: in virtuo sculpting, painting and performing of full-body avatars
D Zeidler, M McGinity
Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques 6 (2 …, 2023
Viewr: Architectural-scale multi-user mixed reality with mobile head-mounted displays
F Schier, D Zeidler, K Chandran, Z Yu, M McGinity
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 30 (8), 5609-5622, 2023
Presence, immersion and the panorama - a theoretical, technical and artistic inquiry into the nature of presence and immersion in virtual reality
M McGinity
University of New South Wales, 2014
T_Visionarium IV
N Brown, D Del Favero, J Shaw, P Weibel, M McGinity, B Seeber, ...
The Art of Immersion I, 2017
Co-located Mixed Reality Classrooms: Four Case Studies from Higher Education
K Chandran, P Dimitriou, L Wand, M McGinity
Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2024
Creative sound modeling with signed distance fields
T Mende, L Engeln, M McGinity, R Groh
Mensch und Computer 2022-Workshopband, 10.18420/muc2022-mci-ws03-339, 2022
La Dispersion du Fils: Into regions of incomprehensibility
M McGinity
Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA London), 2018
Immersive In Situ Visualizations for Monitoring Architectural-Scale Multiuser MR Experiences
Z Yu, D Zeidler, K Chandran, L Engeln, K Mende, M McGinity
arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.15918, 2024
Mixed reality strategies for piano education
V Amm, K Chandran, L Engeln, M McGinity
Frontiers in Virtual Reality 5, 1397154, 2024
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