CM Silva
CM Silva
IDL- Instituto Dom Luiz
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Evaluation of energy consumption, emissions and cost of plug-in hybrid vehicles
C Silva, M Ross, T Farias
Energy Conversion and Management 50 (7), 1635-1643, 2009
Microalgae biomass production using wastewater: Treatment and costs: Scale-up considerations
L Gouveia, S Graça, C Sousa, L Ambrosano, B Ribeiro, EP Botrel, ...
Algal Research 16, 167-176, 2016
Analysis of four-stroke, Wankel, and microturbine based range extenders for electric vehicles
J Ribau, C Silva, FP Brito, J Martins
Energy Conversion and Management 58, 120-133, 2012
Efficiency, cost and life cycle CO2 optimization of fuel cell hybrid and plug-in hybrid urban buses
JP Ribau, CM Silva, JMC Sousa
Applied Energy 129, 320-335, 2014
Life cycle analysis of energy supply infrastructure for conventional and electric vehicles
A Lucas, CA Silva, RC Neto
Energy Policy 41, 537-547, 2012
Analysis and simulation of “low-cost” strategies to reduce fuel consumption and emissions in conventional gasoline light-duty vehicles
C Silva, M Ross, T Farias
Energy Conversion and Management 50 (2), 215-222, 2009
Plug-in hybrid fuel cell vehicles market penetration scenarios
P Baptista, M Tomas, C Silva
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 35 (18), 10024-10030, 2010
Evaluation of numerical models for simulation of real-world hot-stabilized fuel consumption and emissions of gasoline light-duty vehicles
CM Silva, TL Farias, HC Frey, NM Rouphail
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 11 (5), 377-385, 2006
Impact of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles in the Portuguese electric utility system
C Camus, CM Silva, TL Farias, J Esteves
2009 international conference on power engineering, energy and electrical …, 2009
Biological hydrogen production by Anabaena sp.–yield, energy and CO2 analysis including fermentative biomass recovery
AF Ferreira, AC Marques, AP Batista, PASS Marques, L Gouveia, ...
international journal of hydrogen energy 37 (1), 179-190, 2012
Parametric study of a thermoelectric generator system for exhaust gas energy recovery in diesel road freight transportation
S Vale, L Heber, PJ Coelho, CM Silva
Energy conversion and management 133, 167-177, 2017
A biorefinery from Nannochloropsis sp. microalga–Energy and CO2 emission and economic analyses
AF Ferreira, LA Ribeiro, AP Batista, PASS Marques, BP Nobre, ...
Bioresource technology 138, 235-244, 2013
Energy and environmental impacts of alternative pathways for the Portuguese road transportation sector
PC Baptista, CM Silva, TL Farias, JB Heywood
Energy Policy 51, 802-815, 2012
The dark side of microalgae biotechnology: a heterotrophic biorefinery platform directed to ω-3 rich lipid production
T Lopes da Silva, P Moniz, C Silva, A Reis
Microorganisms 7 (12), 670, 2019
A study of copper-exchanged mordenite natural and ZSM-5 zeolites as SCR–NOx catalysts for diesel road vehicles: Simulation by neural networks approach
MLM de Oliveira, CM Silva, R Moreno-Tost, TL Farias, A Jimenez-Lopez, ...
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 88 (3-4), 420-429, 2009
Looking for sustainability scoring in apparel: A review on environmental footprint, social impacts and transparency
A Gonçalves, C Silva
Energies 14 (11), 3032, 2021
A tank-to-wheel analysis tool for energy and emissions studies in road vehicles
CM Silva, GA Gonçalves, TL Farias, JMC Mendes-Lopes
Science of the Total Environment 367 (1), 441-447, 2006
The production of pigments & hydrogen through a Spirogyra sp. biorefinery
R Pacheco, AF Ferreira, T Pinto, BP Nobre, D Loureiro, P Moura, ...
Energy Conversion and Management 89, 789-797, 2015
Quantification of technical impacts and environmental benefits of electric vehicles integration on electricity grids
JAP Lopes, FJ Soares, PMR Almeida, PC Baptista, CM Silva, TL Farias
2009 8th International Symposium on Advanced Electromechanical Motion …, 2009
Fuel cell hybrid taxi life cycle analysis
P Baptista, J Ribau, J Bravo, C Silva, P Adcock, A Kells
Energy Policy 39 (9), 4683-4691, 2011
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