Mikael Lassen
Mikael Lassen
Principal scientist at Danish Fundamental Metrology
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Naturally Phase-Matched Second-Harmonic Generation<? format?> in a Whispering-Gallery-Mode Resonator
JU Fürst, DV Strekalov, D Elser, M Lassen, UL Andersen, C Marquardt, ...
Physical review letters 104 (15), 153901, 2010
Continuous variable quantum key distribution with modulated entangled states
LS Madsen, VC Usenko, M Lassen, R Filip, UL Andersen
Nature communications 3 (1), 1083, 2012
Experimental entanglement distillation of mesoscopic quantum states
R Dong, M Lassen, J Heersink, C Marquardt, R Filip, G Leuchs, ...
Nature Physics 4 (12), 919-923, 2008
Tools for Multimode Quantum Information:<? format?> Modulation, Detection, and Spatial Quantum Correlations
M Lassen, V Delaubert, J Janousek, K Wagner, HA Bachor, PK Lam, ...
Physical Review Letters 98 (8), 083602, 2007
Continuous variable entanglement and squeezing of orbital angular momentum states
M Lassen, G Leuchs, UL Andersen
Physical review letters 102 (16), 163602, 2009
Quantum-enhanced continuous-wave stimulated Raman scattering spectroscopy
RB de Andrade, H Kerdoncuff, K Berg-Sørensen, T Gehring, M Lassen, ...
Optica 7 (5), 470-475, 2020
Experimental investigation of the evolution of Gaussian quantum discord in an open system
LS Madsen, A Berni, M Lassen, UL Andersen
Physical Review Letters 109 (3), 030402, 2012
Quantum-enhanced micromechanical<? A3B2 show [pmg: line-break justify=" yes"/]?> displacement sensitivity
UB Hoff, GI Harris, LS Madsen, H Kerdoncuff, M Lassen, BM Nielsen, ...
Optics letters 38 (9), 1413-1415, 2013
Quantum optical coherence can survive photon losses using a continuous-variable quantum erasure-correcting code
M Lassen, M Sabuncu, A Huck, J Niset, G Leuchs, NJ Cerf, UL Andersen
Nature Photonics 4 (10), 700-705, 2010
Authenticity and concentration analysis of extra virgin olive oil using spontaneous Raman spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis
S Duraipandian, JC Petersen, M Lassen
Applied Sciences 9 (12), 2433, 2019
homodyne detection as an optimal small-displacement and tilt-measurement scheme
V Delaubert, N Treps, M Lassen, CC Harb, C Fabre, PK Lam, HA Bachor
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 74 (5), 053823, 2006
Generation of squeezing in higher order Hermite-Gaussian modes with an optical parametric amplifier
M Lassen, V Delaubert, CC Harb, PK Lam, N Treps, HA Bachor
Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid publications 1, 06003, 2006
Off-axis quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy using a pulsed nanosecond mid-infrared optical parametric oscillator
M Lassen, L Lamard, Y Feng, A Peremans, JC Petersen
Optics letters 41 (17), 4118-4121, 2016
Extra phase noise from thermal fluctuations in nonlinear optical crystals
JES César, AS Coelho, KN Cassemiro, AS Villar, M Lassen, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (6), 063816, 2009
Continuous-variable entanglement distillation of non-Gaussian mixed states
R Dong, M Lassen, J Heersink, C Marquardt, R Filip, G Leuchs, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (1), 012312, 2010
Gaussian error correction of quantum states in a correlated noisy channel
M Lassen, A Berni, LS Madsen, R Filip, UL Andersen
Physical Review Letters 111 (18), 180502, 2013
Assessing the polarization of a quantum field from Stokes fluctuations
AB Klimov, G Björk, J Söderholm, LS Madsen, M Lassen, UL Andersen, ...
Physical review letters 105 (15), 153602, 2010
Accurate and fast identification of minimally prepared bacteria phenotypes using Raman spectroscopy assisted by machine learning
BL Thomsen, JB Christensen, O Rodenko, I Usenov, RB Grønnemose, ...
Scientific reports 12 (1), 16436, 2022
Spatial mode discrimination using second harmonic generation
V Delaubert, M Lassen, DRN Pulford, HA Bachor, CC Harb
Optics express 15 (9), 5815-5826, 2007
Generation of polarization squeezing with periodically poled KTP at 1064 nm
M Lassen, M Sabuncu, P Buchhave, UL Andersen
Optics Express 15 (8), 5077-5082, 2007
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