Amir Abdollahi
Amir Abdollahi
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
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Flexible demand response programs modeling in competitive electricity markets
MP Moghaddam, A Abdollahi, M Rashidinejad
Applied Energy 88 (9), 3257-3269, 2011
Investigation of economic and environmental-driven demand response measures incorporating UC
A Abdollahi, MP Moghaddam, M Rashidinejad, MK Sheikh-El-Eslami
IEEE transactions on smart grid 3 (1), 12-25, 2011
Coordinated wind-thermal-energy storage offering strategy in energy and spinning reserve markets using a multi-stage model
H Khaloie, A Abdollahi, M Shafie-Khah, A Anvari-Moghaddam, S Nojavan, ...
Applied Energy 259, 114168, 2020
A comprehensive sequential review study through the generation expansion planning
H Sadeghi, M Rashidinejad, A Abdollahi
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 67, 1369-1394, 2017
Co-optimized bidding strategy of an integrated wind-thermal-photovoltaic system in deregulated electricity market under uncertainties
H Khaloie, A Abdollahi, M Shafie-Khah, P Siano, S Nojavan, ...
Journal of cleaner Production 242, 118434, 2020
The energy hub: An extensive survey on the state-of-the-art
H Sadeghi, M Rashidinejad, M Moeini-Aghtaie, A Abdollahi
Applied Thermal Engineering 161, 114071, 2019
Evaluation of plug-in electric vehicles impact on cost-based unit commitment
E Talebizadeh, M Rashidinejad, A Abdollahi
Journal of Power Sources 248, 545-552, 2014
Probabilistic multiobjective transmission expansion planning incorporating demand response resources and large-scale distant wind farms
A Hajebrahimi, A Abdollahi, M Rashidinejad
IEEE Systems Journal 11 (2), 1170-1181, 2015
The role of energy storage and demand response as energy democracy policies in the energy productivity of hybrid hub system considering social inconvenience cost
S Dorahaki, A Abdollahi, M Rashidinejad, M Moghbeli
Journal of Energy Storage 33, 102022, 2021
Risk-based probabilistic-possibilistic self-scheduling considering high-impact low-probability events uncertainty
H Khaloie, A Abdollahi, M Rashidinejad, P Siano
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 110, 598-612, 2019
Investigation of market-based demand response impacts on security-constrained preventive maintenance scheduling
M Mollahassani-pour, A Abdollahi, M Rashidinejad
IEEE Systems Journal 9 (4), 1496-1506, 2014
A novel two-stage structure for coordination of energy efficiency and demand response in the smart grid environment
S Dorahaki, M Rashidinejad, A Abdollahi, M Mollahassani-pour
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 97, 353-362, 2018
Integrating commercial demand response resources with unit commitment
HR Arasteh, MP Moghaddam, MK Sheikh-El-Eslami, A Abdollahi
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 51, 153-161, 2013
Reliability constrained congestion management with uncertain negawatt demand response firms considering repairable advanced metering infrastructures
A Tabandeh, A Abdollahi, M Rashidinejad
Energy 104, 213-228, 2016
A home energy management model considering energy storage and smart flexible appliances: A modified time-driven prospect theory approach
S Dorahaki, M Rashidinejad, SFF Ardestani, A Abdollahi, ...
Journal of Energy Storage 48, 104049, 2022
Risk-constrained bidding strategy for demand response, green energy resources, and plug-in electric vehicle in a flexible smart grid
P Afzali, M Rashidinejad, A Abdollahi, A Bakhshai
IEEE Systems Journal 15 (1), 338-345, 2020
Dynamic phase balancing in the smart distribution networks
SH Soltani, M Rashidinejad, A Abdollahi
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 93, 374-383, 2017
Application of a novel cost reduction index to preventive maintenance scheduling
M Mollahassani-Pour, A Abdollahi, M Rashidinejad
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 56, 235-240, 2014
An integrated model for citizen energy communities and renewable energy communities based on clean energy package: A two-stage risk-based approach
S Dorahaki, M Rashidinejad, SFF Ardestani, A Abdollahi, ...
Energy 277, 127727, 2023
A new flexible model for generation scheduling in a smart grid
A Alirezazadeh, M Rashidinejad, A Abdollahi, P Afzali, A Bakhshai
Energy 191, 116438, 2020
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