Experimental analysis of vibration transfer characteristics of an elevated railroad station S Choi, Y Yoo, J Kim, S Kwon Journal of the Society of Disaster Information 11 (1), 89-96, 2015 | 16 | 2015 |
Analysis of vibration transfer characteristics of approach bridges for an elevated railroad station S Choi, JH Kim, Y Yoo, SG Kwon Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial Cooperation Society 16 (4), 2911-2916, 2015 | 9 | 2015 |
Applicability analysis of a continuous welded rail construction method on an open deck steel railway bridge using displacement control S Chae, Y Yoo, C Lim, S Choi J. Korean Soc. Railw 22 (2), 158-168, 2019 | 7 | 2019 |
Dynamic Response Analysis of a Ballastless Steel Plate Girder Bridge due to a Rail Joint SC S Chae, Y Yoo, Y Park JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR RAILWAY 21 (NO.11), pp.1104-1115, 2018 | 7* | 2018 |
Development of Vibration Mitigation Method for a Railway Station Using a Tuned-Mass-Dampered Platform 용유, 순정권, 상현최 Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation 16 (2), 77-82, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |
Assessing elevated home slab retrofitting method for residential coastal buildings under hurricane loads Y Yoo, M Koliou, N Yazdani Journal of Building Engineering 86, 108994, 2024 | 2 | 2024 |
Structural Integrity Monitoring of the Marine Riser with Composite Structure Y Yoo, H Jae, S Park, S Choi Journal of the Korean Society for Advanced Composite Structures 5 (4), 44-51, 2014 | 2 | 2014 |
Structural performance of flexible freeform panels subjected to wind loads Y Yoo, Z Shahid, R Chen, M Koliou, A Muliana, N Kalantar Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 18 (6), 851-869, 2024 | | 2024 |
다경간 완전일체형 연속철도교량 장대레일의 축력 변화 해석 유용, 채수호, 임철수, 최상현 한국도시철도학회논문집 7 (1), 25-33, 2019 | | 2019 |