Jayanth Jayaram
Jayanth Jayaram
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The effects of an integrative supply chain strategy on customer service and financial performance: an analysis of direct versus indirect relationships
SK Vickery, J Jayaram, C Droge, R Calantone
Journal of operations management 21 (5), 523-539, 2003
Internal and external integration for product development: the contingency effects of uncertainty, equivocality, and platform strategy
X Koufteros, M Vonderembse, J Jayaram
Decision sciences 36 (1), 97-133, 2005
Supply chain management: a strategic perspective
C Bechtel, J Jayaram
The international journal of logistics management 8 (1), 15-34, 1997
The effects of internal versus external integration practices on time-based performance and overall firm performance
C Droge, J Jayaram, SK Vickery
Journal of operations management 22 (6), 557-573, 2004
Causal linkages in supply chain management: an exploratory study of North American manufacturing firms
R Narasimhan, J Jayaram
Decision sciences 29 (3), 579-605, 1998
Supply chain integration with third-party logistics providers
J Jayaram, KC Tan
International Journal of production economics 125 (2), 262-271, 2010
The impact of human resource management practices on manufacturing performance
J Jayaram, C Droge, SK Vickery
Journal of operations Management 18 (1), 1-20, 1999
Contingency relationships of firm size, TQM duration, unionization, and industry context on TQM implementation—A focus on total effects
J Jayaram, SL Ahire, P Dreyfus
Journal of operations Management 28 (4), 345-356, 2010
The ability to minimize the timing of new product development and introduction: an examination of antecedent factors in the North American automobile supplier industry
C Dröge, J Jayaram, SK Vickery
Journal of Product Innovation Management: An International Publication of …, 2000
Relationship building, lean strategy and firm performance: an exploratory study in the automotive supplier industry
J Jayaram, S Vickery, C Droge
International Journal of Production Research 46 (20), 5633-5649, 2008
Strengthening the innovation chain: The role of internal innovation climate and strategic relationships with supply chain partners
A Oke, DI Prajogo, J Jayaram
Journal of Supply Chain Management 49 (4), 43-58, 2013
Strategic purchasing participation, supplier selection, supplier evaluation and purchasing performance
A Nair, J Jayaram, A Das
International journal of production research 53 (20), 6263-6278, 2015
Resilience in family and nonfamily firms: an examination of the relationships between manufacturing strategy, competitive strategy and firm performance
M Acquaah, K Amoako-Gyampah, J Jayaram
International journal of production research 49 (18), 5527-5544, 2011
The effects of information system infrastructure and process improvements on supply‐chain time performance
J Jayaram, SK Vickery, C Droge
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 30 (3 …, 2000
Green supply chains: A perspective from an emerging economy
J Jayaram, B Avittathur
International Journal of Production Economics 164, 234-244, 2015
Looking beyond the obvious: Unraveling the Toyota production system
J Jayaram, A Das, M Nicolae
International Journal of Production Economics 128 (1), 280-291, 2010
Influence of initiators on supply chain value creation
J Jayaram*, VR Kannan, KC Tan
International Journal of Production Research 42 (20), 4377-4399, 2004
An empirical study of time‐based competition in the North American automotive supplier industry
J Jayaram, SK Vickery, C Droge
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 19 (10), 1010-1034, 1999
The antecedents and consequences of product and process innovation strategy implementation in Australian manufacturing firms
J Jayaram, A Oke, D Prajogo
International Journal of Production Research 52 (15), 4424-4439, 2014
Supply chain management capability of small and medium sized family businesses in India: A multiple case study approach
J Jayaram, M Dixit, J Motwani
International Journal of Production Economics 147, 472-485, 2014
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