Mehrdad Nouri Khajavi
Mehrdad Nouri Khajavi
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering , Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University
在 sru.ac.ir 的电子邮件经过验证
A neural network controller for load following operation of nuclear reactors
MN Khajavi, MB Menhaj, AA Suratgar
Annals of Nuclear Energy 29 (6), 751-760, 2002
Optimization of welding parameters for weld penetration in FCAW
NB Mostafa, MN Khajavi
Journal of achievements in materials and manufacturing engineering 16 (1-2 …, 2006
Comparison between optimized passive vehicle suspension system and semi active fuzzy logic controlled suspension system regarding ride and handling
MN Khajavi, V Abdollahi
Proceedings of world academy of science, engineering and technology 21, 57-61, 2007
Milling tool wear diagnosis by feed motor current signal using an artificial neural network
MN Khajavi, E Nasernia, M Rostaghi
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 30, 4869-4875, 2016
A multi objective optimization approach to optimize vehicle ride and handling characteristics
MN Khajavi, B Notghi, G Paygane
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 4, 502-506, 2010
Model Predictive Control system design for car-following behavior in real traffic flow
A Khodayari, A Ghaffari, M Nouri, S Salehinia, F Alimardani
2012 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety …, 2012
Bearings fault diagnosis using vibrational signal analysis by EMD method
MN Keshtan, M Nouri Khajavi
Research in Nondestructive Evaluation 27 (3), 155-174, 2016
Two-dimensional spin coating with a vertical centrifugal force and the effect of artificial gravity on surface leveling
S Mahmoodi, H Guoqing, MN Khajavi
Journal of Coatings Technology and Research 13, 1123-1137, 2016
Quality enhancement of copper oxide thin film synthesized under elevated gravity acceleration by two-axis spin coating
S Mahmoodi, DA Hassan, A Hojjati-Najafabadi, W Li, L Liao, ...
Ceramics International 46 (6), 7421-7429, 2020
Fuzzy adaptive robust optimal controller to increase load following capability of nuclear reactors
MN Khajavi, MB Menhaj, AA Suratgar
PowerCon 2000. 2000 International Conference on Power System Technology …, 2000
Combined fault detection and classification of internal combustion engine using neural network
MN Khajavi, S Nasiri, A Eslami
Journal of Vibroengineering 16 (8), 3912-3921, 2014
Modelling and controlling of car-following behavior in real traffic flow using ARMAX identification and model predictive control
S Salehinia, A Ghaffari, A Khodayari, MN Khajavi, F Alimardani
International journal of automotive technology 17, 535-547, 2016
Intelligent fault classification of rolling bearings using neural network and discrete wavelet transform
MNK Mehrdad Nouri Khajavi
Journal of Vibroengineering 16 (2), 761-769, 2014
Comparison of feature extraction from wavelet packet based on reconstructed signals versus wavelet packet coefficients for fault diagnosis of rotating machinery
M Rostaghi, M Nouri Khajavi
Journal of Vibroengineering 18 (1), 165-174, 2016
Robust optimal self-tuning regulator of nuclear reactors
MN Khajavi, MB Menhaj, MB Ghofrani
First conference of applications of physics and nuclear science in medical …, 2000
Machine fault diagnosis using MLPs and RBF neural networks
GH Payganeh, MN Khajavi, R Ebrahimpour, E Babaei
Applied Mechanics and Materials 110, 5021-5028, 2012
Numerical study of combustion in a porous medium with liquid fuel injection
A Mohammadi, M Benhari, M Nouri Khajavi
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 58431 …, 2017
Over hang slant cracked rotor vibration signal processing based on discrete wavelet transform
YK Maleki, MS Safizadeh, MN Khajavi, G Payganeh, S Shuruni
2016 13th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices (SSD …, 2016
Detection of size and location of crack in pipes under fluid pressure by neural networks
M Rostaghi, MN Khajavi
Journal of Modares Mechanical Engineering 14 (7), 35-42, 2014
Designing a Fuzzy Logic controller to enhance directional stability of vehicles under difficult maneuvers
MN Khajavi, G Paygane, A Hakima
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 38, 996-1001, 2009
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