Rongfei Fan
Ambient backscatter communication systems: Detection and performance analysis
G Wang, F Gao, R Fan, C Tellambura
IEEE Transactions on Communications 64 (11), 4836-4846, 2016
Optimal selection of channel sensing order in cognitive radio
H Jiang, L Lai, R Fan, HV Poor
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 8 (1), 297-307, 2009
Optimal multi-channel cooperative sensing in cognitive radio networks
R Fan, H Jiang
IEEE transactions on Wireless Communications 9 (3), 1128-1138, 2010
Reconfigurable intelligent surface assisted two-way communications: Performance analysis and optimization
S Atapattu, R Fan, P Dharmawansa, G Wang, J Evans, TA Tsiftsis
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (10), 6552-6567, 2020
Optimal node placement and resource allocation for UAV relaying network
R Fan, J Cui, S Jin, K Yang, J An
IEEE Communications Letters 22 (4), 808-811, 2018
Non-orthogonal multiple access: Achieving sustainable future radio access
K Yang, N Yang, N Ye, M Jia, Z Gao, R Fan
IEEE Communications Magazine 57 (2), 116-121, 2018
Energy-efficient power control for device-to-device communications
K Yang, S Martin, C Xing, J Wu, R Fan
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 34 (12), 3208-3220, 2016
Joint optimal cooperative sensing and resource allocation in multichannel cognitive radio networks
R Fan, H Jiang, Q Guo, Z Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 60 (2), 722-729, 2010
Blind channel estimation for ambient backscatter communication systems
S Ma, G Wang, R Fan, C Tellambura
IEEE Communications letters 22 (6), 1296-1299, 2018
Channel sensing-order setting in cognitive radio networks: A two-user case
R Fan, H Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 58 (9), 4997-5008, 2009
Replacement of spectrum sensing in cognitive radio
Z Han, R Fan, H Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 8 (6), 2819-2826, 2009
Joint task offloading and resource allocation for IoT edge computing with sequential task dependency
X An, R Fan, H Hu, N Zhang, S Atapattu, TA Tsiftsis
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (17), 16546-16561, 2022
Optimal computation offloading in collaborative LEO-IoT enabled MEC: A multiagent deep reinforcement learning approach
Y Lyu, Z Liu, R Fan, C Zhan, H Hu, J An
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking 7 (2), 996-1011, 2022
Ambient backscatter communication systems: Capacity and outage performance analysis
W Zhao, G Wang, R Fan, LS Fan, S Atapattu
IEEE access 6, 22695-22704, 2018
Decoupled heterogeneous networks with millimeter wave small cells
M Shi, K Yang, C Xing, R Fan
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (9), 5871-5884, 2018
Throughput Maximization for Multi-Hop Decode-and-Forward Relay Network With Wireless Energy Harvesting
R Fan, S Atapattu, W Chen, Y Zhang, J Evans
IEEE Access 6, 24582 - 24595, 2018
Network lifetime maximization with node admission in wireless multimedia sensor networks
KT Phan, R Fan, H Jiang, SA Vorobyov, C Tellambura
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 58 (7), 3640, 2009
Unmanned aircraft system aided adaptive video streaming: A joint optimization approach
C Zhan, H Hu, Z Wang, R Fan, D Niyato
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 22 (3), 795-807, 2019
Power allocation robust to time-varying wireless channels in femtocell networks
Z Liu, J Wang, Y Xia, R Fan, H Jiang, H Yang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 65 (4), 2806-2815, 2015
Cognitive non-orthogonal multiple access with energy harvesting: An optimal resource allocation approach
F Li, H Jiang, R Fan, P Tan
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (7), 7080-7095, 2019
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