Shahed Anzarus Sabab
Shahed Anzarus Sabab
Data Scientist
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Predicting breast cancer recurrence using effective classification and feature selection technique
AI Pritom, MAR Munshi, SA Sabab, S Shihab
2016 19th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology …, 2016
Diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease using effective classification and feature selection technique
N Tazin, SA Sabab, MT Chowdhury
2016 international conference on medical engineering, health informatics and …, 2016
Blind reader: An intelligent assistant for blind
SA Sabab, MH Ashmafee
2016 19th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology …, 2016
Cardiovascular disease prognosis using effective classification and feature selection technique
SA Sabab, MAR Munshi, AI Pritom
2016 international conference on medical engineering, health informatics and …, 2016
eExpense: a smart approach to track everyday expense
SA Sabab, SS Islam, MJ Rana, M Hossain
2018 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information …, 2018
Vis-itrack: Visual intention through gaze tracking using low-cost webcam
SA Sabab, MR Kabir, SR Hussain, H Mahmud, HA Rubaiyeat, MK Hasan
IEEE Access 10, 70779-70792, 2022
An automated approach to assessing an application tutorial’s difficulty
SA Sabab, A Khan, PK Chilana, J McGrenere, A Bunt
2020 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC …, 2020
Subliminal priming in human-agent interaction: can agents use single-frame visuals in video feeds to shape user perceptions?
E Sanoubari, DY Geiskkovitch, DS Garcha, SA Sabab, K Hong, JE Young, ...
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction …, 2018
Hand swifter: a real-time computer controlling system using hand gestures
SA Sabab, SS Islam, M Hossain, M Shahreen
2018 4th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information …, 2018
EYE POINTER: A Real Time Cost Effective Computer Controlling System Using Eye and Head Movement
SA Sabab, SR Hussain, H Mahmud, MH Kabir, MK Hasan
ACHI 2016 : The Ninth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human …, 2016
An investigation on automatically assessing an application tutorial’s difficulty
S Sabab
Subliminal Priming in Human-Agent Interaction
E Sanoubari, DY Geiskkovitch, DS Garcha, SA Sabab, K Hong, JE Young, ...
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, 2018
An Approach of Finding Visual Intention through Low Cost Gazing
SA Sabab, SR Hussain
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Islamic University of …, 2015
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