MohammadReza Zolghadri
MohammadReza Zolghadri
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A design procedure for optimizing the LLC resonant converter as a wide output range voltage source
R Beiranvand, B Rashidian, MR Zolghadri, SMH Alavi
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 27 (8), 3749-3763, 2012
Using LLC resonant converter for designing wide-range voltage source
R Beiranvand, B Rashidian, MR Zolghadri, SMH Alavi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (5), 1746-1756, 2010
Open-and short-circuit switch fault diagnosis for nonisolated DC–DC converters using field programmable gate array
M Shahbazi, E Jamshidpour, P Poure, S Saadate, MR Zolghadri
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 60 (9), 4136-4146, 2012
Optimizing the normalized dead-time and maximum switching frequency of a wide-adjustable-range LLC resonant converter
R Beiranvand, B Rashidian, MR Zolghadri, SMH Alavi
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 26 (2), 462-472, 2010
FPGA-based reconfigurable control for fault-tolerant back-to-back converter without redundancy
M Shahbazi, P Poure, S Saadate, MR Zolghadri
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (8), 3360-3371, 2012
Analysis and enhancement of low-voltage ride-through capability of brushless doubly fed induction generator
S Tohidi, H Oraee, MR Zolghadri, S Shao, P Tavner
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (3), 1146-1155, 2012
A fast flux search controller for DTC-based induction motor drives
S Kaboli, MR Zolghadri, E Vahdati-Khajeh
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 54 (5), 2407-2416, 2007
Improvement of post-fault performance of a cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter
S Ouni, MR Zolghadri, M Khodabandeh, M Shahbazi, J Rodríguez, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (4), 2779-2788, 2016
FPGA-based fast detection with reduced sensor count for a fault-tolerant three-phase converter
M Shahbazi, P Poure, S Saadate, MR Zolghadri
IEEE transactions on industrial informatics 9 (3), 1343-1350, 2012
Optimizing the LLC–LC resonant converter topology for wide-output-voltage and wide-output-load applications
R Beiranvand, MR Zolghadri, B Rashidian, SMH Alavi
IEEE Transactions on Power electronics 26 (11), 3192-3204, 2011
Three-phase quasi-Z-source inverter with constant common-mode voltage for photovoltaic application
N Noroozi, MR Zolghadri
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 65 (6), 4790-4798, 2017
Low voltage ride-through of DFIG and brushless DFIG: Similarities and differences
S Tohidi, P Tavner, R McMahon, H Oraee, MR Zolghadri, S Shao, E Abdi
Electric Power Systems Research 110, 64-72, 2014
Flicker-free electrolytic capacitor-less universal input offline LED driver with PFC
H Valipour, G Rezazadeh, MR Zolghadri
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (9), 6553-6561, 2015
Fault-tolerant five-leg converter topology with FPGA-based reconfigurable control
M Shahbazi, P Poure, S Saadate, MR Zolghadri
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (6), 2284-2294, 2012
IGBT open-circuit fault diagnosis in a quasi-Z-source inverter
M Yaghoubi, JS Moghani, N Noroozi, MR Zolghadri
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66 (4), 2847-2856, 2018
Designing an adjustable wide range regulated current source
R Beiranvand, B Rashidian, MR Zolghadri, SMH Alavi
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 25 (1), 197-208, 2009
Fast fault detection method for modular multilevel converter semiconductor power switches
S Haghnazari, M Khodabandeh, MR Zolghadri
IET Power Electronics 9 (2), 165-174, 2016
A DSP based direct torque controller for permanent magnet synchronous motor drives
MR Zolghadri, J Guiraud, J Davoine, D Roye
PESC 98 Record. 29th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference …, 1998
Torque ripple minimization in DTC of induction motor based on optimized flux value determination
S Kaboli, MR Zolghadri, S Haghbin, A Emadi
IECON'03. 29th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2003
Comparison between different DPC methods applied to DFIG wind turbines
SM Tavakoli, MA Pourmina, MR Zolghadri
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research 3 (2), 446-452, 2013
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