Sequence and analysis of chromosome 4 of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana K Mayer, C Schüller, R Wambutt, G Murphy, G Volckaert, T Pohl, ... Nature 402 (6763), 769-777, 1999 | 488 | 1999 |
Cretaceous− Cenozoic history of the southern Tan-Lu fault zone: apatite fission-track and structural constraints from the Dabie Shan (eastern China) JC Grimmer, R Jonckheere, E Enkelmann, L Ratschbacher, BR Hacker, ... Tectonophysics 359 (3-4), 225-253, 2002 | 243 | 2002 |
Secure data collection in wireless sensor networks using randomized dispersive routes T Shu, M Krunz, S Liu IEEE transactions on mobile computing 9 (7), 941-954, 2010 | 242 | 2010 |
Mitigating control-channel jamming attacks in multi-channel ad hoc networks L Lazos, S Liu, M Krunz Proceedings of the second ACM conference on Wireless network security, 169-180, 2009 | 209 | 2009 |
Spectrum opportunity-based control channel assignment in cognitive radio networks L Lazos, S Liu, M Krunz 2009 6th annual IEEE communications society conference on sensor, mesh and …, 2009 | 194 | 2009 |
Cluster-based control channel allocation in opportunistic cognitive radio networks S Liu, L Lazos, M Krunz IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 11 (10), 1436-1449, 2012 | 113 | 2012 |
Thwarting control-channel jamming attacks from inside jammers S Liu, L Lazos, M Krunz IEEE Transactions on mobile computing 11 (9), 1545-1558, 2011 | 62 | 2011 |
Thwarting inside jamming attacks on wireless broadcast communications S Liu, L Lazos, M Krunz Proceedings of the fourth ACM conference on Wireless network security, 29-40, 2011 | 48 | 2011 |
Fission track analysis and thermotectonic history of the main borehole of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling project SS Liu, U Weber, UA Glasmacher, ZQ Xu, GA Wagner Tectonophysics 475 (2), 318-326, 2009 | 16 | 2009 |
Control of hepatitis B in China ZY Xu, CB Cao, SS Liu, SS Wang, TQ Yan, SJ Zhao, WS Wu Viral hepatitis and liver disease, 689-690, 1997 | 11 | 1997 |
氮化硅 (Si3N4) 微粉的超高压烧结研究 沈中毅, 孙继荣, 刘世超, 刘勇, 黄振坤 高压物理学报 5 (4), 267-274, 1991 | 9* | 1991 |
Time-delayed broadcasting for defeating inside jammers S Liu, L Lazos, M Krunz IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 12 (3), 351-365, 2014 | 8 | 2014 |
温度/pH 敏感性嵌段共聚物 P (HEMA-co-DEAEMA)-b-PDEAM-bP (DEAEMA-co-HEMA) 的合成与性质研究 齐晓君, 刘守信, 刘腾, 党莉, 杨曦, 雨薇娜, 王红梅 化学学报 69 (15), 1803, 2011 | 7 | 2011 |
Thermotectonic history of Sulu UHP metamorphic rock: apatite fission track constraints from MH and PP2 of CCSD SS Liu, U Glasmacher, ZQ Xu, U Weber, G Wagner, R Jonckheere, XL Yin Acta Petrologica Sinica 25 (7), 1612-1618, 2009 | 6 | 2009 |
Ground vegetation as indicators of topsoil chemical properties in Dongguan, South China ZY Ou, ZY Su, YC Ye, JY Zhu, SS Liu Acta Ecol. Sin 29, 984-992, 2009 | 6 | 2009 |
PAPR reduction based on improved VCS scheme in MC-CDMA system S Liu, L Dan, Y Xiao, S Li 2007 IEEE 65th Vehicular Technology Conference-VTC2007-Spring, 2672-2676, 2007 | 6 | 2007 |
Post-orogenic exhumation of the ultrahigh continental crust in east-central China: Tectonics and FT-thermochronology R Jonckheere, JC Schmid, L Ratschbacher, A Blythe, S Dong, S Liu, ... Geological Society of Australia 58, 185-188, 2000 | 6 | 2000 |
氧化硅 (Si3N4) 稀土氧化物陶瓷的超高压烧结研究 沈中毅, 孙继荣, 刘世超, 刘勇, 黄振坤, 孙维莹 高压物理学报 7 (1), 1-10, 1993 | 5 | 1993 |
Jamming-resistant Broadcast Communications under Internal Threats S Liu, L Lazos, M Krunz IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC) 14, 2012 | 3 | 2012 |
Minimum curvature design of three-element centripetal-turbine hydrodynamic torque converters 刘仕平, 权龙 Defence Technology (防务技术), 119-125, 2009 | 3 | 2009 |