Bozhang Dong
Bozhang Dong
Postdoctoral Scholar, UC Santa Barbara
在 ucsb.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
3D integration enables ultralow-noise isolator-free lasers in silicon photonics
C Xiang, W Jin, O Terra, B Dong, H Wang, L Wu, J Guo, TJ Morin, ...
Nature 620 (7972), 78-85, 2023
1.3- m Reflection Insensitive InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot Lasers Directly Grown on Silicon
J Duan, H Huang, B Dong, D Jung, JC Norman, JE Bowers, F Grillot
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 31 (5), 345-348, 2019
Physics and applications of quantum dot lasers for silicon photonics
F Grillot, JC Norman, J Duan, Z Zhang, B Dong, H Huang, WW Chow, ...
Nanophotonics 9 (6), 1271-1286, 2020
Uncovering recent progress in nanostructured light-emitters for information and communication technologies
F Grillot, J Duan, B Dong, H Huang
Light: Science & Applications 10 (1), 156, 2021
Dynamic and nonlinear properties of epitaxial quantum dot lasers on silicon for isolator-free integration
J Duan, H Huang, B Dong, JC Norman, Z Zhang, JE Bowers, F Grillot
Photonics Research 7 (11), 1222-1228, 2019
Epitaxial quantum dot lasers on silicon with high thermal stability and strong resistance to optical feedback
H Huang, J Duan, B Dong, J Norman, D Jung, JE Bowers, F Grillot
APL Photonics 5 (1), 2020
Broadband quantum-dot frequency-modulated comb laser
B Dong, M Dumont, O Terra, H Wang, A Netherton, JE Bowers
Light: Science & Applications 12 (1), 182, 2023
Effect of p-doping on the intensity noise of epitaxial quantum dot lasers on silicon
J Duan, Y Zhou, B Dong, H Huang, JC Norman, D Jung, Z Zhang, C Wang, ...
Optics Letters 45 (17), 4887-4890, 2020
Frequency comb dynamics of a 1.3 μm hybrid-silicon quantum dot semiconductor laser with optical injection
B Dong, H Huang, J Duan, G Kurczveil, D Liang, RG Beausoleil, F Grillot
Optics letters 44 (23), 5755-5758, 2019
1.3-µm passively mode-locked quantum dot lasers epitaxially grown on silicon: gain properties and optical feedback stabilization
B Dong, XC de Labriolle, S Liu, M Dumont, H Huang, J Duan, JC Norman, ...
Journal of Physics: Photonics 2 (4), 045006, 2020
Dynamic and nonlinear properties of epitaxial quantum-dot lasers on silicon operating under long-and short-cavity feedback conditions for photonic integrated circuits
B Dong, JD Chen, FY Lin, JC Norman, JE Bowers, F Grillot
Physical Review A 103 (3), 033509, 2021
Dynamic performance and reflection sensitivity of quantum dot distributed feedback lasers with large optical mismatch
B Dong, J Duan, H Huang, JC Norman, K Nishi, K Takemasa, ...
Photonics research 9 (8), 1550-1558, 2021
Four-wave mixing in 1.3 μm epitaxial quantum dot lasers directly grown on silicon
J Duan, B Dong, WW Chow, H Huang, S Ding, S Liu, JC Norman, ...
Photonics Research 10 (5), 1264-1270, 2022
Influence of the polarization anisotropy on the linewidth enhancement factor and reflection sensitivity of 1.55-μm InP-based InAs quantum dash lasers
B Dong, J Duan, C Shang, H Huang, AB Sawadogo, D Jung, Y Wan, ...
Applied Physics Letters 115 (9), 2019
Subspace tracking for phase noise source separation in frequency combs
A Razumov, HR Heebøll, M Dummont, O Terra, B Dong, J Riebesehl, ...
Optics Express 31 (21), 34325-34347, 2023
Multimode physics in the mode locking of semiconductor quantum dot lasers
F Grillot, WW Chow, B Dong, S Ding, H Huang, J Bowers
Applied Sciences 12 (7), 3504, 2022
Turnkey locking of quantum-dot lasers directly grown on Si
B Dong, Y Wan, WW Chow, C Shang, A Prokoshin, E Alkhazraji, ...
Nature Photonics 18 (7), 669-676, 2024
Temperature dependent linewidth rebroadening in quantum dot semiconductor lasers
F Köster, J Duan, B Dong, H Huang, F Grillot, K Lüdge
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 53 (23), 235106, 2020
Spectral dispersion of the linewidth enhancement factor and four wave mixing conversion efficiency of an InAs/GaAs multimode quantum dot laser
S Ding, B Dong, H Huang, J Bowers, F Grillot
Applied Physics Letters 120 (8), 2022
Quantum Dot Lasers on Silicon: Nonlinear Properties, Dynamics, and Applications
B Dong
Springer International Publishing, 2023
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