Dong-Wook Yoo
Dong-Wook Yoo
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High boost converter using voltage multiplier
JW Baek, MH Ryoo, TJ Kim, DW Yoo, JS Kim
31st Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2005. IECON …, 2005
A novel grid synchronization PLL method based on adaptive low-pass notch filter for grid-connected PCS
KJ Lee, JP Lee, D Shin, DW Yoo, HJ Kim
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 61 (1), 292-301, 2013
Novel zero-voltage and zero-current-switching full bridge PWM converter using transformer auxiliary winding
JG Cho, JW Baek, CY Jeong, DW Yoo, KY Joe
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 15 (2), 250-257, 2000
High-voltage switch using series-connected IGBTs with simple auxiliary circuit
JW Baek, DW Yoo, HG Kim
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 37 (6), 1832-1839, 2001
A new topology with high efficiency throughout all load range for photovoltaic PCS
BD Min, JP Lee, JH Kim, TJ Kim, DW Yoo, EH Song
IEEE Transactions on Industrial electronics 56 (11), 4427-4435, 2008
Hybrid photovoltaic/diesel green ship operating in standalone and grid-connected mode–Experimental investigation
KJ Lee, D Shin, DW Yoo, HK Choi, HJ Kim
Energy 49, 475-483, 2013
A novel topology for photovoltaic DC/DC full-bridge converter with flat efficiency under wide PV module voltage and load range
JP Lee, BD Min, TJ Kim, DW Yoo, JY Yoo
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 55 (7), 2655-2663, 2008
Implementation of fault ride-through techniques of grid-connected inverter for distributed energy resources with adaptive low-pass notch PLL
D Shin, KJ Lee, JP Lee, DW Yoo, HJ Kim
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (5), 2859-2871, 2014
Solid state Marx generator using series-connected IGBTs
JW Baek, DW Yoo, GH Rim, JS Lai
IEEE transactions on plasma science 33 (4), 1198-1204, 2005
Novel single-phase PWM AC–AC converters solving commutation problem using switching cell structure and coupled inductor
HH Shin, H Cha, HG Kim, DW Yoo
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (4), 2137-2147, 2014
A highly efficient PV system using a series connection of DC–DC converter output with a photovoltaic panel
H Kim, JH Kim, BD Min, DW Yoo, HJ Kim
Renewable Energy 34 (11), 2432-2436, 2009
Analysis and design of coupled inductors for two-phase interleaved DC-DC converters
JP Lee, H Cha, D Shin, KJ Lee, DW Yoo, JY Yoo
Journal of power electronics 13 (3), 339-348, 2013
A novel power conversion circuit for cost-effective battery-fuel cell hybrid systems
DK Choi, BK Lee, SW Choi, CY Won, DW Yoo
Journal of power sources 152, 245-255, 2005
Z-source resonant DC-DC converter for wide input voltage and load variation
H Cha, FZ Peng, DW Yoo
The 2010 International Power Electronics Conference-ECCE ASIA-, 995-1000, 2010
Optimization of powder core inductors of buck-boost converters for hybrid electric vehicles
BG You, JS Kim, BK Lee, GB Choi, DW Yoo
2009 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 730-735, 2009
Distributed impedance network (Z-network) dc–dc converter
H Cha, FZ Peng, DW Yoo
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 25 (11), 2722-2733, 2010
Stability improvement of interleaved voltage source inverters employing coupled inductors for grid-connected applications
D Shin, JP Lee, DW Yoo, HJ Kim
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62 (10), 6014-6023, 2015
Three level auxiliary resonant commutated pole inverter for high power applications
JG Cho, JW Baek, DW Yoo, CY Won
PESC Record. 27th Annual IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference 2 …, 1996
A novel grid-connected PV PCS with new high efficiency converter
BD Min, JP Lee, JH Kim, TJ Kim, DW Yoo, KR Ryu, JJ Kim, EH Song
2007 7th Internatonal Conference on Power Electronics, 478-482, 2007
Design and control of novel topology for photovoltaic DC/DC converter with high efficiency under wide load ranges
JP Lee, BD Min, TJ Kim, DW Yoo, JY Yoo
Journal of Power Electronics 9 (2), 300-307, 2009
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