Barbara Kaup
Barbara Kaup
Universität Tübingen FB Psychologie
在 uni-tuebingen.de 的电子邮件经过验证
Processing negated sentences with contradictory predicates: Is a door that is not open mentally closed?
B Kaup, J Lüdtke, RA Zwaan
Journal of Pragmatics 38 (7), 1033-1050, 2006
Effects of negation and situational presence on the accessibility of text information.
B Kaup, RA Zwaan
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 29 (3), 439, 2003
Experiential simulations of negated text information
B Kaup, RH Yaxley, CJ Madden, RA Zwaan, J Lüdtke
Quarterly journal of experimental psychology 60 (7), 976-990, 2007
LSAfun-An R package for computations based on Latent Semantic Analysis
F Günther, C Dudschig, B Kaup
Behavior research methods 47 (4), 930-944, 2015
Event-related potential correlates of negation in a sentence–picture verification paradigm
J Lüdtke, CK Friedrich, M De Filippis, B Kaup
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 20 (8), 1355-1370, 2008
Negation and its impact on the accessibility of text information
B Kaup
Memory & cognition 29 (7), 960-967, 2001
The experiential view of language comprehension: How is negation represented
B Kaup, RA Zwaan, J Lüdtke
Higher level language processes in the brain: Inference and comprehension …, 2007
Priming in sentence processing: Intralexical spreading activation, schemas, and situation models
MJ Traxler, DJ Foss, RE Seely, B Kaup, RK Morris
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 29, 581-595, 2000
Emotional valence and physical space: limits of interaction.
I de la Vega, M De Filippis, M Lachmair, C Dudschig, B Kaup
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 38 (2), 375, 2012
Embodiment and second-language: Automatic activation of motor responses during processing spatially associated L2 words and emotion L2 words in a vertical Stroop paradigm
C Dudschig, I De la Vega, B Kaup
Brain and language 132, 14-21, 2014
Latent semantic analysis cosines as a cognitive similarity measure: Evidence from priming studies
F Günther, C Dudschig, B Kaup
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (4), 626-653, 2016
Root versus roof: automatic activation of location information during word processing
M Lachmair, C Dudschig, M De Filippis, I de la Vega, B Kaup
Psychonomic bulletin & review 18, 1180-1188, 2011
Context effects when reading negative and affirmative sentences
J Lüdtke, B Kaup
Proceedings of the 28th annual conference of the cognitive science society …, 2006
Reading “sun” and looking up: The influence of language on saccadic eye movements in the vertical dimension
C Dudschig, J Souman, M Lachmair, I Vega, B Kaup
PloS one 8 (2), e56872, 2013
Representing a described sequence of events: a dynamic view of narrative comprehension.
S Kelter, B Kaup, B Claus
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 30 (2), 451, 2004
Keep your hands crossed: The valence-by-left/right interaction is related to hand, not side, in an incongruent hand–response key assignment
I de la Vega, C Dudschig, M De Filippis, M Lachmair, B Kaup
Acta psychologica 142 (2), 273-277, 2013
Effects of negation, truth value, and delay on picture recognition after reading affirmative and negative sentences
B Kaup, J Ludtke, RA Zwaan
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 27 (27), 2005
Mechanisms of autobiographical memory retrieval in younger and older adults
K Dijkstra, B Kaup
Memory & Cognition 33, 811-820, 2005
Higher level language processes in the brain: Inference and comprehension processes
F Schmalhofer, CA Perfetti
Psychology Press, 2007
Mental models in discourse processing and reasoning
G Rickheit, C Habel
Elsevier, 1999
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