Zhixue Zhang
Zhixue Zhang
Guanghua School of Management, Peking University
在 gsm.pku.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Enhancing employee creativity via individual skill development and team knowledge sharing: Influences of dual-focused transformational leadership
Y Dong, KM Bartol, ZX Zhang, C Li
Journal of Organizational Behavior 38 (3), 439-458, 2017
Unpacking the relationship between CEO leadership behavior and organizational culture
AS Tsui, ZX Zhang, H Wang, KR Xin, JB Wu
The Leadership Quarterly 17 (2), 113-137, 2006
Social networks, personal values, and creativity: evidence for curvilinear and interaction effects.
J Zhou, SJ Shin, DJ Brass, J Choi, ZX Zhang
Journal of applied psychology 94 (6), 1544, 2009
Transactive memory system links work team characteristics and performance.
ZX Zhang, PS Hempel, YL Han, D Tjosvold
Journal of applied psychology 92 (6), 1722, 2007
Nursing competencies: personal characteristics contributing to effective nursing performance
Z Zhang, W Luk, D Arthur, T Wong
Journal of advanced nursing 33 (4), 467-474, 2001
Team empowerment and the organizational context: Decentralization and the contrasting effects of formalization
PS Hempel, ZX Zhang, Y Han
Journal of management 38 (2), 475-501, 2012
Openness to experience: Its lower level structure, measurement, and cross-cultural equivalence
SE Woo, OS Chernyshenko, A Longley, ZX Zhang, CY Chiu, SE Stark
Journal of personality assessment 96 (1), 29-45, 2014
Conflict management between and within teams for trusting relationships and performance in China
PS Hempel, ZX Zhang, D Tjosvold
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2009
张建君, 张志学
管理世界, 94-105, 2005
Middle manager leadership and frontline employee performance: Bypass, cascading, and moderating effects
J Yang, ZX Zhang, AS Tsui
Journal of Management Studies 47 (4), 654-678, 2010
Harmony and conflict: A cross-cultural investigation in China and Australia
K Leung, FP Brew, ZX Zhang, Y Zhang
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 42 (5), 795-816, 2011
I will speak up if my voice is socially desirable: a moderated mediating process of promotive versus prohibitive voice.
X Wei, ZX Zhang, XP Chen
Journal of Applied Psychology 100 (5), 1641, 2015
Dignity, face, and honor cultures: A study of negotiation strategy and outcomes in three cultures
S Aslani, J Ramirez‐Marin, J Brett, J Yao, Z Semnani‐Azad, ZX Zhang, ...
Journal of Organizational Behavior 37 (8), 1178-1201, 2016
The dynamics of consensus building in intracultural and intercultural negotiations
LA Liu, R Friedman, B Barry, MJ Gelfand, ZX Zhang
Administrative Science Quarterly 57 (2), 269-304, 2012
Deploying human capital for innovation: A study of multi-country manufacturing firms
L Ma, X Zhai, W Zhong, ZX Zhang
International Journal of Production Economics 208, 241-253, 2019
Adherence to perceived norms across cultural boundaries: The role of need for cognitive closure and ingroup identification
M Manchi Chao, ZX Zhang, C Chiu
Group processes & intergroup relations 13 (1), 69-89, 2010
Maternal child-rearing practices in Hong Kong and Beijing Chinese families: A comparative study
AC Lai, ZX Zhang, WZ Wang
International Journal of Psychology 35 (1), 60-66, 2000
Beyond distributive justice: The reasonableness norm in Chinese reward allocation
Z Zhang, C Yang
Asian Journal of Social Psychology 1 (3), 253-269, 1998
Problems in management and theory construction: Strategies of high-quality indigenous management research in China
AS Tsui, Z Zhang
南大商学评论, 1-18, 2005
Business leadership in the Chinese context: Trends, findings, and implications
ZX Zhang, YR Chen, S Ang
Management and Organization Review 10 (2), 199-221, 2014
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