Eric Larson
Eric Larson
Research Scientist, University of Washington
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SciPy 1.0: fundamental algorithms for scientific computing in Python
P Virtanen, R Gommers, TE Oliphant, M Haberland, T Reddy, ...
Nature methods 17 (3), 261-272, 2020
MEG and EEG data analysis with MNE-Python
A Gramfort, M Luessi, E Larson, DA Engemann, D Strohmeier, ...
Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 7, 267, 2013
MNE software for processing MEG and EEG data
A Gramfort, M Luessi, E Larson, DA Engemann, D Strohmeier, ...
neuroimage 86, 446-460, 2014
SciPy 1.0 Contributors
P Virtanen, R Gommers, TE Oliphant, M Haberland, T Reddy, ...
Nat. Methods 17 (3), 261-272, 2020
SciPy 1.0: fundamental algorithms for scientific computing in Python
SP Contributors, P Virtanen, R Gommers, TE Oliphant, M Haberland, ...
Nature Methods 17 (353), 261-272, 2020
nipy/nibabel: 3.2. 1
M Brett, CJ Markiewicz, M Hanke, MA Côté, B Cipollini, P McCarthy, ...
Zenodo, 2020
Using neuroimaging to understand the cortical mechanisms of auditory selective attention
AKC Lee, E Larson, RK Maddox, BG Shinn-Cunningham
Hearing research 307, 111-120, 2014
A reproducible MEG/EEG group study with the MNE software: recommendations, quality assessments, and good practices
M Jas, E Larson, DA Engemann, J Leppäkangas, S Taulu, M Hämäläinen, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 12, 530, 2018
MEG and EEG data analysis with MNE-Python. Front Neurosci 7: 267
A Gramfort, M Luessi, E Larson, DA Engemann, D Strohmeier, ...
MNE-BIDS: Organizing electrophysiological data into the BIDS format and facilitating their analysis
S Appelhoff, M Sanderson, TL Brooks, M van Vliet, R Quentin, C Holdgraf, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 4 (44), 1896, 2019
Bottom-up and top-down influences on spatial unmasking
BG Shinn-Cunningham, A Ihlefeld, E Larson
Acta Acustica United with Acustica 91 (6), 967-979, 2005
Auditory selective attention reveals preparatory activity in different cortical regions for selection based on source location and source pitch
AKC Lee, S Rajaram, J Xia, H Bharadwaj, E Larson, MS Hämäläinen, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 6, 190, 2013
Analysis methods for measuring passive auditory fNIRS responses generated by a block-design paradigm
R Luke, E Larson, MJ Shader, H Innes-Brown, L Van Yper, AKC Lee, ...
Neurophotonics 8 (2), 025008-025008, 2021
Infant brain responses to felt and observed touch of hands and feet: an MEG study
AN Meltzoff, RR Ramírez, JN Saby, E Larson, S Taulu, PJ Marshall
Developmental science 21 (5), e12651, 2018
The cortical dynamics underlying effective switching of auditory spatial attention
E Larson, AKC Lee
NeuroImage 64, 365-370, 2013
scipy/scipy: SciPy 1.6. 0
P Virtanen, R Gommers, E Burovski, TE Oliphant, W Weckesser, ...
Zenodo, 2021
Reducing sensor noise in MEG and EEG recordings using oversampled temporal projection
E Larson, S Taulu
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 65 (5), 1002-1013, 2017
SciPy 1.0–Fundamental algorithms for scientific computing in Python. arXiv e-prints
P Virtanen, R Gommers, TE Oliphant, M Haberland, T Reddy, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.10121 10, 2019
Switching auditory attention using spatial and non-spatial features recruits different cortical networks
E Larson, AKC Lee
Neuroimage 84, 681-687, 2014
Encoding and decoding neuronal dynamics: Methodological framework to uncover the algorithms of cognition
JR King, A Gramfort
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