Xiangxing Long
Long-Term Continuous Co-reduction of 1,1,1-Trichloroethane and Trichloroethene over Palladium Nanoparticles Spontaneously Deposited on H2-Transfer …
YH Luo, C Zhou, Y Bi, X Long, B Wang, Y Tang, R Krajmalnik-Brown, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (3), 2057-2066, 2020
Palladium (Pd0) Loading-Controlled Catalytic Activity and Selectivity for Chlorophenol Hydrodechlorination and Hydrosaturation
YH Luo, Y Cai, X Long, D Zhou, C Zhou, BE Rittmann
Environmental Science & Technology 56 (7), 4447-4456, 2022
Stable dechlorination of Trichloroacetic Acid (TCAA) to acetic acid catalyzed by palladium nanoparticles deposited on H2-transfer membranes
Y Cai, X Long, YH Luo, C Zhou, BE Rittmann
Water Research 192, 116841, 2021
A synergistic platform for continuous co-removal of 1, 1, 1-trichloroethane, trichloroethene, and 1, 4-dioxane via catalytic dechlorination followed by biodegradation
YH Luo, X Long, B Wang, C Zhou, Y Tang, R Krajmalnik-Brown, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 55 (9), 6363-6372, 2021
Increased expression of antibiotic-resistance genes in biofilm communities upon exposure to cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and other stress conditions
YH Luo, YJS Lai, C Zheng, ZE Ilhan, A Ontiveros-Valencia, X Long, ...
Science of The Total Environment 765, 144264, 2021
Evanescent wave interactions with nanoparticles on optical fiber modulate side emission of germicidal ultraviolet light
Z Zhao, M Lanzarini-Lopes, E Westerhoff, X Long, H Rho, Y Bi, L Ling, ...
Environmental Science: Nano 8 (9), 2441-2452, 2021
Wastewater treatment for ships experiencing large temperature changes: the activated sludge/membrane-biofilm reactor
Y Cai, YH Luo, X Long, AA Zaidi, Y Shi, D Zhou, BE Rittmann
Chemosphere 307, 135852, 2022
The nature and oxidative reactivity of urban magnetic nanoparticle dust provide new insights into potential neurotoxicity studies
X Long, Y Luo, Z Zhang, C Zheng, C Zeng, Y Bi, C Zhou, BE Rittmann, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (17), 10599-10609, 2020
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