Wenwen Lin
Wenwen Lin
在 nbu.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
A multi-objective teaching− learning-based optimization algorithm to scheduling in turning processes for minimizing makespan and carbon footprint
W Lin, DY Yu, C Zhang, X Liu, S Zhang, Y Tian, S Liu, Z Xie
Journal of Cleaner Production 101, 337-347, 2015
An effective hybrid teaching–learning-based optimization algorithm for permutation flow shop scheduling problem
Z Xie, C Zhang, X Shao, W Lin, H Zhu
Advances in Engineering Software 77, 35-47, 2014
Disassembly line balancing problem using interdependent weights-based multi-criteria decision making and 2-Optimal algorithm
Y Ren, C Zhang, F Zhao, G Tian, W Lin, L Meng, H Li
Journal of Cleaner Production 174, 1475-1486, 2018
Multi-objective teaching–learning-based optimization algorithm for reducing carbon emissions and operation time in turning operations
W Lin, DY Yu, S Wang, C Zhang, S Zhang, H Tian, M Luo, S Liu
Engineering Optimization 47 (7), 994-1007, 2015
More MILP models for hybrid flow shop scheduling problem and its extended problems
L Meng, C Zhang, X Shao, B Zhang, Y Ren, W Lin
International journal of production research 58 (13), 3905-3930, 2020
A multi-objective TLBO algorithm for balancing two-sided assembly line with multiple constraints
D Li, C Zhang, X Shao, W Lin
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 27, 725-739, 2016
Multi-objective optimization of machining parameters in multi-pass turning operations for low-carbon manufacturing
W Lin, D Yu, C Zhang, S Zhang, Y Tian, S Liu, M Luo
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2017
Energy consumption modeling and prediction of the milling process: A multistage perspective
C Zhang, Z Zhou, G Tian, Y Xie, W Lin, Z Huang
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2018
Flexible job-shop scheduling problem with maintenance activities considering energy consumption
WJ Song, CY Zhang, WW Lin, XY Shao
Applied Mechanics and Materials 521, 707-713, 2014
A two-stage online remaining useful life prediction framework for supercapacitors based on the fusion of deep learning network and state estimation algorithm
G Lou, W Lin, G Huang, W Xiang
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 123, 106399, 2023
Flow shop scheduling with low carbon emission and variable machining parameters
W Lin, G Tian, Z Li, Y Zhang, C Zhang
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2019
Energy-oriented CNC milling process modelling and parameter optimization
黄拯滔, 杨杰, 张超勇, 周志恒, 谢阳, 林文文
China Mechanical Engineering 27 (18), 2524-2532, 2016
黄拯滔, 杨杰, 张超勇, 周志恒, 谢阳, 林文文
中国机械工程 27 (18), 2524-2532, 2016
MTLBO: A multi-objective multi-course teaching-learning-based optimization algorithm
W Lin, L Wang, Y Zhang, G Tian
Journal of Applied Science and Engineering 21 (3), 331-342, 2018
Carbon emissions reducing mechanisms on integrated process parameter optimization and scheduling problem considering makespan and carbon emissions
WW Lin, DY Yu, CY Zhang, SJ Wang, ZP Xie, SQ Liu, YH Tian
Advanced Materials Research 869, 1015-1023, 2014
Modeling method for tool wear prediction based on ADNLSSVM
肖鹏飞, 张超勇, 罗敏, 林文文
China Mechanical Engineering 29 (07), 842-849, 2018
基于谐波小波包和 BSA 优化 LS-SVM 的铣刀磨损状态识别研究
董彩云, 张超勇, 孟磊磊, 肖鹏飞, 罗敏, 林文文
中国机械工程 28 (17), 2080-2089, 2108, 2017
A novel artificial ecological niche optimization algorithm for car sequencing problem considering energy consumption
S Zhang, D Yu, X Shao, S Wang, C Zhang, W Lin
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2015
肖鹏飞, 张超勇, 罗敏, 林文文
中国机械工程 29 (7), 842-849, 2018
Integrated Production and Maintenance Planning for Flow Line Systems
W Lin, Y Zhang
Transactions of FAMENA 44 (1), 79-91, 2020
文章 1–20