Kristin Uhler
Kristin Uhler
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
在 cuanschutz.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Spectral-temporal EEG dynamics of speech discrimination processing in infants during sleep
PM Gilley, K Uhler, K Watson, C Yoshinaga-Itano
BMC neuroscience 18, 1-17, 2017
Pediatric minimum speech test battery
K Uhler, A Warner-Czyz, R Gifford, PMSTB Working Group
Journal of the American Academy of Audiology 28 (03), 232-247, 2017
Evaluation of speed and accuracy of next-generation auditory steady state response and auditory brainstem response audiometry in children with normal hearing and hearing loss
YS Sininger, LL Hunter, D Hayes, PA Roush, KM Uhler
Ear and Hearing 39 (6), 1207-1223, 2018
Longitudinal infant speech perception in young cochlear implant users
K Uhler, C Yoshinaga-Itano, SA Gabbard, AM Rothpletz, H Jenkins
Journal of the American Academy of Audiology 22 (03), 129-142, 2011
American cochlear implant alliance task force guidelines for determining cochlear implant candidacy in children
AD Warner-Czyz, JT Roland Jr, D Thomas, K Uhler, L Zombek
Ear and Hearing 43 (2), 268-282, 2022
Meeting the joint committee on infant hearing standards in a large metropolitan children's hospital: Barriers and next steps
R Awad, J Oropeza, KM Uhler
American Journal of Audiology 28 (2), 251-259, 2019
Current trends in pediatric cochlear implant candidate selection and postoperative follow-up
K Uhler, RH Gifford
American journal of audiology 23 (3), 309-325, 2014
Monitoring protocols for cochlear toxicity
SG Lord
Seminars in hearing 40 (02), 122-143, 2019
Method of speech stimulus presentation impacts pediatric speech recognition: monitored live voice versus recorded speech
K Uhler, A Biever, RH Gifford
Otology & Neurotology 37 (2), e70-e74, 2016
The relationship between mismatch response and the acoustic change complex in normal hearing infants
KM Uhler, SK Hunter, E Tierney, PM Gilley
Clinical Neurophysiology 129 (6), 1148-1160, 2018
Otologics active middle ear implants
HA Jenkins, K Uhler
Otolaryngol Clin North Am 47 (6), 967-978, 2014
A tutorial on auditory neuropathy/dyssynchrony for the speech-language pathologist and audiologist
K Uhler, A Heringer, N Thompson, C Yoshinaga-Itano
Seminars in speech and language 33 (04), 354-366, 2012
Refining stimulus parameters in assessing infant speech perception using visual reinforcement infant speech discrimination: Sensation level
KM Uhler, R Baca, E Dudas, T Fredrickson
Journal of the American Academy of Audiology 26 (10), 807-814, 2015
Early development of the human auditory system
KL Anbuhl, KM Uhler, LA Werner, DJ Tollin
Fetal and neonatal physiology, 1396-1411. e3, 2017
Air-bone gaps contribute to functional hearing preservation in cochlear implantation
JK Mattingly, KM Uhler, SP Cass
Otology & Neurotology 37 (9), 1255-1262, 2016
Long-term outcome data in patients following one year's use of a fully implantable active middle ear implant
K Uhler, MC Anderson, HA Jenkins
Audiology and Neurotology 21 (2), 105-112, 2016
Protocol for rapid, accurate, electrophysiologic, auditory assessment of infants and toddlers
YS Sininger, LL Hunter, PA Roush, S Windmill, D Hayes, KM Uhler
Journal of the American Academy of Audiology 31 (06), 455-468, 2020
Early vocabulary profiles of young deaf children who use cochlear implants
J Jung, J Reed, L Wagner, J Stephens, AD Warner-Czyz, K Uhler, ...
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 63 (4), 1254-1269, 2020
Conventional amplification for children and adults with severe-to-profound hearing loss
LE Jorgensen, EA Benson, RW McCreery
Seminars in hearing 39 (04), 364-376, 2018
State and territory EHDI databases: What we do and don't know about the hearing or audiological data from identified children
K Uhler, V Thomson, N Cyr, SA Gabbard, C Yoshinaga-Itano
American Journal of Audiology 23 (1), 34-43, 2014
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