John Bosco Kyalo Kiema
John Bosco Kyalo Kiema
Associate Professor, University of Nairobi
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Environmental geoinformatics
J Awange, JB Kiema
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg 10, 978-983, 2013
Texture analysis and data fusion in the extraction of topographic objects from satellite imagery
JBK Kiema
International Journal of Remote Sensing 23 (4), 767-776, 2002
Understanding the decline of water storage across the Ramser-Lake Naivasha using satellite-based methods
JL Awange, E Forootan, J Kusche, JBK Kiema, PA Omondi, B Heck, ...
Advances in Water Resources 60, 7-23, 2013
Spatial analysis
JL Awange, JB Kyalo Kiema, JL Awange, JB Kyalo Kiema
Environmental Geoinformatics: Monitoring and Management, 225-236, 2013
Market segmentation using geographic information systems (GIS) A case study of the soft drink industry in Kenya
SM Musyoka, SM Mutyauvyu, JBK Kiema, FN Karanja, DN Siriba
Marketing Intelligence & Planning 25 (6), 632-642, 2007
Liberia's coastal erosion vulnerability and LULC change analysis: Post-civil war and Ebola epidemic
JL Awange, A Saleem, SS Konneh, RM Goncalves, JBK Kiema, KX Hu
Applied Geography 101, 56-67, 2018
Wavelet compression and the automatic classification of urban environments using high resolution multispectral imagery and laser scanning data
JBK Kiema, HP Bähr
GeoInformatica 5, 165-179, 2001
Fundamentals of remote sensing
JL Awange, JB Kyalo Kiema, JL Awange, JB Kyalo Kiema
Environmental Geoinformatics: Monitoring and Management, 111-118, 2013
Fundamentals of GIS
J Awange, J Kiema, J Awange, J Kiema
Environmental Geoinformatics: Extreme hydro-climatic and food security …, 2019
Fundamentals of Photogrammetry. Environmental Geoinformatics Environmental Science and Engineering
JL Awange, JB Kyalo Kiema
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013
Laser scanning for analysis of damages caused by earthquake hazards
E Steinle, J Kiema, J Leebmann, H Bahr
Proceedings of the OEEPE–Workshop on Airborne Laserscanning and …, 2001
Fundamentals of photogrammetry
JL Awange, JB Kyalo Kiema, JL Awange, JB Kyalo Kiema
Environmental geoinformatics: Monitoring and management, 157-174, 2013
Modeling Invasive Plant Species in Kenya’s Northern Rangelands
E Ouko, S Omondi, R Mugo, A Wahome, K Kasera, E Nkurunziza, J Kiema, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 8, 69, 2020
Microwave remote sensing
JL Awange, JB Kyalo Kiema, JL Awange, JB Kyalo Kiema
Environmental Geoinformatics: Monitoring and Management, 133-144, 2013
Assessment of Kenya's Readiness for Geospatial Data Infrastructure Take Off
DN Mulaku, G.C., Kiema, J.B.K., and Siriba
Survey Review 39 (306), 328-337, 2007
Towards achieving Sustainability of Coastal Environments: Urban Growth Analysis and Prediction of Lagos, State Nigeria
JBK Idowu, E.T., Waswa, R.M., Lasisi, K., Mubea, K., Nyadawa, M and Kiema
South African Journal of Geomatics, 149-162, 2020
The global positioning system
J Awange, J Kiema, J Awange, J Kiema
Environmental Geoinformatics: Extreme Hydro-Climatic and Food Security …, 2019
A Prototype GIS-Based Road Pavement Information and Management System.
JBK Kiema, JM Mwangi
Journal of Civil Engineering Research and Practice 6 (1), 2009
Land management
J Awange, J Kiema, J Awange, J Kiema
Environmental Geoinformatics: Extreme Hydro-Climatic and Food Security …, 2019
Optimizing the location of base transceiver stations in mobile communication network planning: case study of the Nairobi Central Business District, Kenya
EN Munene, JBK Kiema
International Interdisciplinary Journal of Scientific Research 1 (2), 113-127, 2014
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