Professor Muhammad Azizul Islam
Professor Muhammad Azizul Islam
Chair in Accountancy and Professor of Sustainability Accounting and Transparency
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Motivations for an organisation within a developing country to report social responsibility information: Evidence from Bangladesh
MA Islam, C Deegan
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 2008
Media pressures and corporate disclosure of social responsibility performance information: a study of two global clothing and sports retail companies
MA Islam, C Deegan
Accounting and business research 40 (2), 131-148, 2010
Media pressures and corporate disclosure of social responsibility performance information: a study of two global clothing and sports retail companies
MA Islam, C Deegan
Accounting and business research 40 (2), 131-148, 2010
Corporate sustainability reporting of major commercial banks in line with GRI: Bangladesh evidence
MA Islam, JK Fatima, K Ahmed
Social responsibility journal, 2011
Regulating for corporate human rights abuses: The emergence of corporate reporting on the ILO's human rights standards within the global garment manufacturing and retail industry
MA Islam, K McPhail
Critical Perspectives on Accounting 22 (8), 790-810, 2011
Mandated social disclosure: An analysis of the response to the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010
RN Birkey, RP Guidry, MA Islam, DM Patten
Journal of Business Ethics 152 (3), 827-841, 2018
Social movement NGOs and the comprehensiveness of conflict mineral disclosures: evidence from global companies
MA Islam, CJ van Staden
Accounting, Organizations and Society 65, 1-19, 2018
An exploration of NGO and media efforts to influence workplace practices and associated accountability within global supply chains
C Deegan, MA Islam
The British Accounting Review 46 (4), 397-415, 2014
Future of Accounting Profession: Three Major Changes and Implications for Teaching and Research
MA Islam
Business Reporting, International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), 2017
Corporate social responsibility disclosures, traditionalism and politics: A story from a traditional setting
S Uddin, J Siddiqui, MA Islam
Journal of Business Ethics 151 (2), 409-428, 2018
Corporate anti-corruption disclosure
R Blanc, MA Islam, DM Patten, MC Branco
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 2017
Perceptions of corporate social and environmental accounting and reporting practices from accountants in Bangladesh
M Islam, S Dellaportas
Social responsibility journal, 2011
Social compliance audits and multinational corporation supply chain: evidence from a study of the rituals of social audits
MA Islam, C Deegan, R Gray
Accounting and Business Research 48 (2), 190-224, 2018
CSR reporting and legitimacy theory: Some thoughts on future research agenda
MA Islam
The Dynamics of Corporate Social Responsibility, 323-339, 2017
Anti-bribery disclosures: A response to networked governance
MA Islam, T Dissanayake, S Dellaportas, S Haque
Accounting Forum 42 (1), 3-16, 2018
Modern Slavery Disclosure Regulation and Global Supply Chains: Insights from Stakeholder Narratives on the UK Modern Slavery Act
M Islam, CJ van Staden
Journal of Business Ethics, 2022
Do stakeholders or social obligations drive corporate social and environmental responsibility reporting? Managerial views from a developing country
MM Hossain, M Alam, MA Islam, A Hecimovic
Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management, 2015
Environmental incidents in a developing country and corporate environmental disclosures: a study of a multinational gas company
M Azizul Islam, M Aminul Islam
Society and Business Review 6 (3), 229-248, 2011
Social and environmental reporting practices of organisations operating in, or sourcing products from, a developing country: evidence from Bangladesh
MA Islam
Available at SSRN 2878254, 2009
Workplace human rights reporting: a study of Australian garment and retail companies
M Azizul Islam, A Jain
Australian accounting review 23 (2), 102-116, 2013
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