Javad Morsali
Javad Morsali
Urmia University of Technology, Engineering Faculty of Khoy, PhD
在 uut.ac.ir 的电子邮件经过验证
Applying fractional order PID to design TCSC-based damping controller in coordination with automatic generation control of interconnected multi-source power system
J Morsali, K Zare, MT Hagh
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 20 (1), 1-17, 2017
Effective oscillation damping of an interconnected multi-source power system with automatic generation control and TCSC
K Zare, MT Hagh, J Morsali
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 65, 220-230, 2015
Performance comparison of TCSC with TCPS and SSSC controllers in AGC of realistic interconnected multi-source power system
J Morsali, K Zare, MT Hagh
Ain shams engineering journal 7 (1), 143-158, 2016
Comparative performance evaluation of fractional order controllers in LFC of two-area diverse-unit power system with considering GDB and GRC effects
J Morsali, K Zare, MT Hagh
Journal of electrical systems and Information Technology 5 (3), 708-722, 2018
MGSO optimised TID‐based GCSC damping controller in coordination with AGC for diverse‐GENCOs multi‐DISCOs power system with considering GDB and GRC non‐linearity effects
J Morsali, K Zare, M Tarafdar Hagh
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 11 (1), 193-208, 2017
A novel dynamic model and control approach for SSSC to contribute effectively in AGC of a deregulated power system
J Morsali, K Zare, MT Hagh
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 95, 239-253, 2018
Appropriate generation rate constraint (GRC) modeling method for reheat thermal units to obtain optimal load frequency controller (LFC)
J Morsali, K Zare, MT Hagh
2014 5th Conference on Thermal Power Plants (CTPP), 29-34, 2014
A new approach for probabilistic harmonic load flow in distribution systems based on data clustering
S Galvani, SR Marjani, J Morsali, MA Jirdehi
Electric Power Systems Research 176, 105977, 2019
Proposing a new hybrid model for LFC and AVR loops to improve effectively frequency stability using coordinative CPSS
J Morsali, Z Esmaeili
2020 28th Iranian conference on electrical engineering (ICEE), 1-7, 2020
AGC of interconnected multi-source power system with considering GDB and GRC nonlinearity effects
J Morsali, K Zare, MT Hagh
2016 6th Conference on Thermal Power Plants (CTPP), 12-17, 2016
Modified group search optimisation‐based comparative performance evaluation of thyristor controlled series capacitor‐based fractional order damping controllers to improve load …
J Morsali, K Zare, MT Hagh
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 11 (18), 4654-4669, 2017
Introducing PID-based PSS2B stabilizer in coordination with TCSC damping controller to improve power system dynamic stability
J Morsali, R Kazemzadeh, MR Azizian, A Parhizkar
2014 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 836-841, 2014
Novel coordination of dual-channel PSS, AVR and TCSC damping controller to enhance power system overall stability
J Morsali, R Kazemzadeh, MR Azizian, H Morsali
20th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2012), 552-557, 2012
Fractional order control strategy for superconducting magnetic energy storage to take part effectually in automatic generation control issue of a realistic restructured power …
J Morsali
Journal of Energy Storage 55, 105764, 2022
Introducing FOPLC based TCSC in coordination with AGC to improve frequency stability of interconnected multi-source power system
MT Hagh, J Morsali, K Zare, KM Muttaqi
2015 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 1-6, 2015
Coordinated design of MPSS and TCSC-based damping controller using PSO to enhance multi-machine power system stability
J Morsali, R Kazemzadeh, MR Azizian
2013 21st Iranian conference on electrical engineering (ICEE), 1-6, 2013
Simultaneously design of PSS3B dual-input stabilizer and TCSC damping controller for enhancement of power system stability
J Morsali, R Kazemzadeh, MR Azizian
20th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE2012), 558-563, 2012
Introducing FOPID-PSS to increase small-signal stability of multi-machine power system
J Morsali, R Kazemzadeh, MR Azizian
2015 23rd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 1510-1515, 2015
Simultaneous coordinated tuning of UPFC and multi-input PSS for damping of power system oscillations
Y Hashemi, J Morsali, R Kazemzadeh, MR Azizian, AS Yazdankhah
26th Int. Power Syst. Conf.(PSC), 2011
Proposing FOPID-based PSS2B Stabilizer Using MGSO to Improve Damping of Electromechanical Oscillations in a Multi-machine Power System
J Morsali, TG Bolandi
2019 27th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 742-747, 2019
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