Huai Wang, Ph. D.
Huai Wang, Ph. D.
Qingdao University of Technology
Effect of chemical dilution and the number of weld layers on residual stresses in a multi-pass low-transformation-temperature weld
H Wang, W Woo, DK Kim, V Em, SY Lee
Materials & Design 160, 384-394, 2018
Effect of impact pressure on reducing the weld residual stress by water jet peening in repair weld to 304 stainless steel clad plate
W Jiang, Y Luo, H Wang, BY Wang
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 137 (3), 031401, 2015
Effect of hot isostatic pressing on the cryogenic mechanical properties of CrCoNi medium entropy alloy processed by direct energy deposition
MT Tran, TH Nguyen, DK Kim, W Woo, SH Choi, HW Lee, H Wang, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 828, 142110, 2021
Sensitivity improvement of stretchable strain sensors by the internal and external structural designs for strain redistribution
C Wu, H Wang, Y Li, T Kim, SJ Kwon, B Park, Z He, SB Lee, MK Um, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (45), 50803-50811, 2020
Stress corrosion cracking of a copper pipe in a heating water supply system
H Chae, H Wang, M Hong, WC Kim, JG Kim, H Kim, SY Lee
Metals and Materials International 26, 989-997, 2020
Crystal plasticity finite element analysis of size effect on the formability of ultra-thin ferritic stainless steel sheet for fuel cell bipolar plate
MT Tran, H Wang, HW Lee, DK Kim
International Journal of Plasticity 154, 103298, 2022
On plastic anisotropy and deformation history-driven anelasticity of an extruded magnesium alloy
H Wang, SY Lee, H Wang, W Woo, EW Huang, J Jain, K An
Scripta Materialia 176, 36-41, 2020
Correlation of localized residual stresses with ductile fracture toughness using in situ neutron diffraction and finite element modelling
H Wang, W Woo, SY Lee, G An, DK Kim
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 160, 332-342, 2019
Effect of tailored martensitic transformation in a thick weld: Residual stresses mitigation, heterogeneous microstructure, and mechanical properties
H Wang, W Woo, DK Kim, V Em, ID Karpov, GB An, SY Lee
Materials Characterization 144, 345-355, 2018
A new contour method for rapid evaluation of the cross-sectional residual stress distribution in complex geometries using a 3D scanner
H Wang, DK Kim, W Woo, SH Choi, SY Lee, SK Hwang
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 34, 1989-1996, 2020
Influence of prior deformation history on anelasticity in an extruded magnesium alloy
H Wang, SY Lee, H Wang, W Woo, K An
한국소성가공학회 학술대회 논문집, 160-161, 2019
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