Khaled R. M. Mahmoud
Khaled R. M. Mahmoud
Mechanical Dept., Faculty of Eng., Minia University
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Investigation into SI engine performance characteristics and emissions fuelled with ethanol/butanol-gasoline blends
M Mourad, K Mahmoud
Renewable Energy 143, 762-771, 2019
Performance investigation of passenger vehicle fueled by propanol/ gasoline blend according to a city driving cycle
KRMM M. Mourad
energy, 2018
Improving diesel engine performance and emissions characteristics fuelled with biodiesel
M Mourad, KRM Mahmoud, ESH NourEldeen
Fuel 302, 121097, 2021
Theoretical and experimental investigations on a new adaptive duo servo drum brake with high and constant brake shoe factor
KRM Mahmoud
Paderborn, Univ., Diss., 2005, 2005
Α reliability study of renewable energy resources and their integration with utility grids
SM Ghania, KRM Mahmoud, AM Hashmi
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research 12 (5), 9078-9086, 2022
Influence of biodiesel fuel on performance characteristics of hybrid electric vehicle according to urban driving cycle
M Mourad, K Mahmoud, F Mohamed, A Nouh
2014 5th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC), 1-6, 2014
A preliminary experimental investigation of a new wedge disc brake
MM Makrahy, MG Nouby, KA Abd El-Gwwad, NM Ghazaly
Nouby M. Ghazaly et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications …, 2013
Optmization of operation parameteres on a novel wedge disc brake by taguchi method
MM Makrahy, NM Ghazaly, KA Abd El-Gwwad, KR Mahmoud, ...
American Journal of Vehicle Design 1 (2), 30-35, 2013
Active suspension and anti-lock braking systems for passenger cars
AMA Soliman, MMS Kaldas, KRM Mahmoud
SAE Technical Paper, 2009
Dynamic behaviors of a wedge disc brake
KRM Mahmoud, M Mourad, AB Mahfouz
Applied Acoustics 128, 32-39, 2017
Experimental evaluation of an empirical model for wedge disc brake using Box-Behnken design
NM Ghazaly, MM Makrahy, K Gwwad, KR Mahmoud, A Tawwab
International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems 6 (3), 58-63, 2014
Optimization of a new wedge disc brake using Taguchi Approach
MM Makrahy, NM Ghazaly, KA Abd El-Cwwad, KR Mahmound, ...
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research 3 (6), 3461-3465, 2013
Influence of Biodiesel Inlet Temperature on the Performance of a Small DI Diesel Engine
A Bin-Mahfouz, K Mahmoud, M Mourad
American Journal of Science and Technology 5 (3), 42-48, 2018
Parameters affecting wedge disc brake performance
KRM Mahmoud, M Mourad
International Journal of Vehicle Performance 1 (3-4), 254-263, 2014
Electrification strategy of hybrid electric vehicle as a solution to decrease co2 emission in cities
M Mourad, K Mahmoud
Int. J. Electr. Electron. Commun. Sci 13, 558-564, 2019
Effect of wedge inclination angle on self-amplification action of a new adaptive wedge disc brake
KRM Mahmoud, MM Makrahy, KAA El-Gwwad, NM Ghazaly, ...
International Journal of Vehicle Performance 2 (2), 166-177, 2016
Influence of water, oil and dust on the performance of conventional and wedge disc brakes
KRM Mahmoud, MA Mourad
International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems 6 (3), 71, 2014
Vehicle dynamic behaviours crossing cat-eye reflectors
KRM Mahmoud
International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration 10 (3), 189-200, 2014
A New Assessment Parameter to Determine the Efficiency of a Hybrid Vehicle
KRM Mahmoud, SM Ghania
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research 12 (5), 9270-9275, 2022
Dynamic Analysis of a Wedge Disc Brake according to the Variations of Friction Coefficient
KRM Mahmoud
Advances in Acoustics and Vibration: Proceedings of the International …, 2017
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