Dr. Vinay Kumar Jadoun
Dr. Vinay Kumar Jadoun
Associate Professor, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, India
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Modulated particle swarm optimization for economic emission dispatch
VK Jadoun, N Gupta, KR Niazi, A Swarnkar
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 73, 80–88, 2015
Integration of renewable energy sources in dynamic economic load dispatch problem using an improved fireworks algorithm
VK Jadoun, VC Pandey, N Gupta, KR Niazi, A Swarnkar
IET renewable power generation 12 (9), 1004-1011, 2018
A comprehensive review on control techniques for power management of isolated DC microgrid system operation
KM Bhargavi, NS Jayalakshmi, DN Gaonkar, A Shrivastava, VK Jadoun
IEEE access 9, 32196-32228, 2021
Optimal placement and sizing of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in a grid-tied DC microgrid using modified TLBO method
NK Krishnamurthy, JN Sabhahit, VK Jadoun, DN Gaonkar, A Shrivastava, ...
Energies 16 (4), 1781, 2023
Optimal fuzzy based economic emission dispatch of combined heat and power units using dynamically controlled Whale Optimization Algorithm
VK Jadoun, GR Prashanth, SS Joshi, K Narayanan, H Malik, ...
Applied Energy 315, 119033, 2022
Multi-area economic dispatch with reserve sharing using dynamically controlled particle swarm optimization
VK Jadoun, N Gupta, K.R. Niazi, A Swarnkar
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 73, 743–756, 2015
Various methods used for battery balancing in electric vehicles: A comprehensive review
V Vardwaj, V Vishakha, VK Jadoun, NS Jayalaksmi, A Agarwal
2020 International Conference on Power Electronics & IoT Applications in …, 2020
Real-time and day-ahead risk averse multi-objective operational scheduling of virtual power plant using modified Harris Hawk's optimization
AK Pandey, VK Jadoun, J N․S․
Electric Power Systems Research 220, 109285, 2023
Decision making approach for assessing the suitable hybrid renewable energy based microgrid system for rural electrification in India
S Singh, N Kanwar, D Zindani, VK Jadoun
Materials Today: Proceedings 51, 21-25, 2022
Improved Fireworks Algorithm with Chaotic Sequence Operator for Large-Scale Non-convex Economic Load Dispatch Problem
VC Pandey, VK Jadoun, N Gupta, KR Niazi, A Swarnkar
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 43 (6), 2919–2929, 2018
Novel prediction‐reliability based graphical DGA technique using multi‐layer perceptron network & gas ratio combination algorithm
K Chatterjee, S Dawn, VK Jadoun, RK Jarial
IET Science, Measurement & Technology 13 (6), 836-842, 2019
Dynamically controlled particle swarm optimization for large‐scale nonconvex economic dispatch problems
VK Jadoun, N Gupta, KR Niazi, A Swarnkar
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 25 (11), 3060-3074, 2015
Optimal Scheduling of Dynamic Pricing Based V2G and G2V Operation in Microgrid Using Improved Elephant Herding Optimization
VK Jadoun, N Sharma, P Jha, JN S., H Malik, FP Garcia Márquez
Sustainability 13 (14), 7551, 2021
Real-time peak valley pricing based multi-objective optimal scheduling of a virtual power plant considering renewable resources
AK Pandey, VK Jadoun, JN Sabhahit
Energies 15 (16), 5970, 2022
An overview of DC Microgrid with DC distribution system for DC loads
KK Nandini, NS Jayalakshmi, VK Jadoun
Materials Today: Proceedings 51, 635-639, 2022
Nonconvex economic dispatch using particle swarm optimization with time varying operators
VK Jadoun, N Gupta, KR Niazi, A Swarnkar
Advances in Electrical Engineering 2014 (1), 301615, 2014
Integration of plug-in electric vehicles in smart grid: A review
KM Bhargavi, NS Jayalaksmi, S Malagi, VK Jadoun
2020 International Conference on Power Electronics & IoT Applications in …, 2020
Multi-area economic dispatch using improved particle swarm optimization
VK Jadoun, N Gupta, KR Niazi, A Swarnkar, RC Bansal
Energy Procedia 75, 1087-1092, 2015
Optimal operation of multi-source electric vehicle connected microgrid using metaheuristic algorithm
NS Jayalakshmi, VK Jadoun, DN Gaonkar, A Shrivastava, N Kanwar, ...
Journal of Energy Storage 52, 105067, 2022
Multi-area Environmental Economic Dispatch with Reserve Constraints Using Enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization
VK Jadoun, N Gupta, K R Niazi, A Swarnkar, R. C. Bansal
Electric Power Components and Systems 43 (14), 1667-1679, 2015
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