Fei Yan
Designing communication strategies of autonomous vehicles with pedestrians: an intercultural study
M Lanzer, F Babel, F Yan, B Zhang, F You, J Wang, M Baumann
12th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive …, 2020
Developing a model of driver's uncertainty in lane change situations for trustworthy lane change decision aid systems
F Yan, M Eilers, A Lüdtke, M Baumann
2016 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 406-411, 2016
First Workshop on Trust in the Age of Automated Driving
RMC Brittany E. Noah, Philipp Wintersberger, Alexander G. Mirnig, Shailie ...
International ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive …, 2017
Classifying driver's uncertainty about the distance gap at lane changing for developing trustworthy assistance systems
F Yan, L Weber, A Luedtke
2015 IEEE intelligent vehicles symposium (IV), 1276-1281, 2015
Investigating driver gaze behavior during lane changes using two visual cues: ambient light and focal icons
A Löcken, F Yan, W Heuten, S Boll
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 13, 119-136, 2019
Development of a lane change assistance system adapting to driver's uncertainty during decision-making
F Yan, M Eilers, M Baumann, A Luedtke
Adjunct Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Automotive User …, 2016
Analysis of time-to-lane-change-initiation using realistic driving data
S Jokhio, P Olleja, J Bärgman, F Yan, M Baumann
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 25 (5), 4620-4633, 2023
Towards a cooperative driver-vehicle interface: Enhancing drivers' perception of cyclists through augmented reality
J Pichen, F Yan, M Baumann
2020 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 1827-1832, 2020
Design of proactive interaction for in-vehicle robots based on transparency
J Wang, T Yue, Y Liu, Y Wang, C Wang, F Yan, F You
Sensors 22 (10), 3875, 2022
Building driver's trust in lane change assistance systems by adapting to driver's uncertainty states
F Yan, M Eilers, A Lüdtke, M Baumann
2017 IEEE intelligent vehicles symposium (IV), 529-534, 2017
Investigating initial driver intention on overtaking on rural roads
F Yan, M Eilers, L Weber, M Baumann
2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 4354-4359, 2019
Investigating driver uncertainty about lane change decisions
F Yan, M Eilers, M Baumann
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 95, 369-379, 2023
Spatial visualization of sensor information for automated vehicles
F Yan, S Karaosmanoglu, A Demir, M Baumann
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Automotive User …, 2019
Classifying driver's uncertainty for developing trustworthy assistance systems
F Yan, L Weber, A Luedtke
Proceedings of the 8th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Fun …, 2014
Dynamic Model of Situation Awareness During Automated Driving
M Eilers, F Yan, D Manstetten, M Baumann
ATZ worldwide 126 (5), 58-63, 2024
Developing a model-based lane change decision aid system by integrating driver uncertainty
F Yan
Universität Ulm, 2018
Exploring turn signal usage patterns in lane changes: A Bayesian hierarchical modelling analysis of realistic driving data
S Jokhio, P Olleja, J Bärgman, F Yan, M Baumann
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 18 (2), 393-408, 2024
Dynamisches Modell des Situationsbewusstseins beim automatisierten Fahren
M Eilers, F Yan, D Manstetten, M Baumann
ATZ-Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift 126 (5), 60-64, 2024
Compilation of suitable safety indicators for the evaluation of Human-Machine Interaction of level 3 systems
F Yan, J Pichen, S Schmitz, K Sklorz, M Baumann
Zusammenstellung geeigneter Sicherheitsindikatoren für die Bewertung der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion von Level-3-Systemen
F Yan, J Pichen, S Schmitz, K Sklorz, M Baumann
Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen. Unterreihe Fahrzeugtechnik, 2024
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