Ajay Kumar Yadav
Ajay Kumar Yadav
IIT Patna, NITK Surathkal, IIT Kharagpur
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Enhanced thermo-hydraulic performance in a V-ribbed triangular duct solar air heater: CFD and exergy analysis
N Kottayat, S Kumar, AK Yadav, S Anish
Energy 200, 117448, 2020
CO2 based natural circulation loops: new correlations for friction and heat transfer
AK Yadav, MR Gopal, S Bhattacharyya
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (17-18), 4621-4630, 2012
Extraction and characterization of coffee husk biodiesel and investigation of its effect on performance, combustion, and emission characteristics in a diesel engine
AF Emma, S Alangar, AK Yadav
Energy Conversion and Management: X 14, 100214, 2022
Critical review of ribbed solar air heater and performance evaluation of various V-rib configuration
K Nidhul, AK Yadav, S Anish, S Kumar
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 142, 110871, 2021
CFD analysis of a CO2 based natural circulation loop with end heat exchangers
AK Yadav, MR Gopal, S Bhattacharyya
Applied Thermal Engineering 36, 288-295, 2012
Efficient design of an artificially roughened solar air heater with semi-cylindrical side walls: CFD and exergy analysis
Nidhul K, A.K. Yadav, Anish S., Arunachala U.C.
Solar Energy 207, 289-304, 2020
Thermo-hydraulic and exergetic performance of a cost-effective solar air heater: CFD and experimental study
K Nidhul, AK Yadav, A S., AU Chandavar
Renewable Energy 184, 627-641, 2022
Computational and experimental studies on the development of an energy-efficient drier using ribbed triangular duct solar air heater
K Nidhul, S Kumar, AK Yadav, Anish S.
Solar Energy 209, 454-469, 2020
Investigation of Preheated VIME Biodiesel as an Alternative Fuel on the Performance, Emission and Combustion in a CI Engine
SV Kodate, PS Raju, AK Yadav, GN Kumar
Energy 231, 120874, 2021
Combustion, performance and emission analysis of preheated KOME biodiesel as an alternate fuel for a diesel engine
SV Kodate, AK Yadav, GN Kumar
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 141, 2335–2345, 2020
Study of adiabatic obstacles on natural convection in a square cavity using lattice Boltzmann method
P Karki, AK Yadav, D Arumuga Perumal
ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications 11 (3), 034502, 2019
Computation of fluid flow in double sided cross-shaped lid-driven cavities using Lattice Boltzmann method
S Bhopalam, DA Perumal, AK Yadav
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 70, 46-72, 2018
Stability enhancement of supercritical CO2 based natural circulation loop using a modified Tesla valve
T Wahidi, RA Chandavar, AK Yadav
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 166, 105020, 2020
Transient analysis of subcritical/supercritical carbon dioxide based natural circulation loops with end heat exchangers: Numerical studies
AK Yadav, MR Gopal, S Bhattacharyya
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 79, 24-33, 2014
Effect of fuel preheating on performance, emission and combustion characteristics of a diesel engine fuelled with Vateria indica methyl ester blends at various loads",
SV Kodate, PS Raju, AK Yadav, GN Kumar
Journal of Environmental Management 304, 114284, 2022
Computational appraisal of fluid flow behavior in two-sided oscillating lid-driven cavities
SR Bhopalam, DA Perumal, AK Yadav
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 196, 106303, 2021
Performance, emission and combustion characteristics of twin cylinder common rail diesel engine fuelled with butanol-diesel blends,
VT Lamani, AK Yadav, GN Kumar
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, 23351–23362, 2017
Heat transfer enhancement using CO2 in a natural circulation loop
LR Thippeswamy, AK Yadav
Scientific reports 10 (1), 1-10, 2020
Supercritical CO2 Flow Instability in Natural Circulation Loop: CFD Analysis
Tabish Wahidi, Rajat A. Chandavar, Ajay kumar Yadav
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2021
Effect of tilt angle on subcritical/supercritical carbon dioxide-based natural circulation loop with isothermal source and sink
AK Yadav, M Ram Gopal, S Bhattacharyya
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications 8 (1), 2016
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