Valeria Goffi
Valeria Goffi
HCFMUSP e AC Camargo Cancer Center
在 hc.fm.usp.br 的电子邮件经过验证
Voice analysis of postlingually deaf adults pre-and postcochlear implantation
MT Ubrig, MVS Goffi-Gomez, R Weber, MHM Menezes, NK Nemr, ...
Journal of voice 25 (6), 692-699, 2011
Hearing loss and complaint in patients with head and neck cancer treated with radiotherapy
C Schultz, MVS Goffi-Gomez, PHP Liberman, AC de Assis Pellizzon, ...
Archives of Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery 136 (11), 1065-1069, 2010
Musical and vocal emotion perception for cochlear implants users
S Paquette, GD Ahmed, MV Goffi-Gomez, ACH Hoshino, I Peretz, ...
Hearing Research 370, 272-282, 2018
Auditory brainstem implant outcomes and MAP parameters: report of experiences in adults and children
MVS Goffi-Gomez, AT Magalhães, RB Neto, RK Tsuji, MQT Gomes, ...
International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology 76 (2), 257-264, 2012
Avaliação eletromiográfica do músculo masseter em pessoas com paralisia facial periférica de longa duração
A Rahal, MVS Goffi-Gomez
Revista Cefac 9, 207-212, 2007
Neural response telemetry measures in patients implanted with Nucleus 24®
MC Guedes, RV Brito Neto, MVS Goffi Gomez, SBG Sant'Anna, ...
Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia 71, 660-667, 2005
Estudo eletromiográfico do músculo masseter durante o apertamento dentário e mastigação habitual em adultos com oclusão dentária normal
A Rahal, MVS Goffi-Gomez
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Fonoaudiologia 14, 160-164, 2009
Report on hearing loss in oncology
C Schultz, MVS Goffi-Gomez, PHP Liberman, AL Carvalho
Brazilian journal of otorhinolaryngology 75 (5), 634-641, 2009
Implante coclear fmusp-1: apresentacao de um programa brasileiro e seus resultados preliminares
RF Bento, A Miniti, AA Leirner, TG Sanchez, MS Oshiro, MIM Campos, ...
Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia 60 (4), 1-16, 1994
Benefit of cochlear implantation in children with multiple-handicaps: parent's perspective
HR Nasralla, AM Montefusco, ACH Hoshino, PA Samuel, ...
International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology 22 (04), 415-427, 2018
Eletromiografia de superfície em pacientes portadores de paralisia facial periférica
DFF Bernardes, MVSG Gomez, RF Bento
Revista CEFAC 12, 91-96, 2010
Influence of evoked compound action potential on speech perception in cochlear implant users
MC Guedes, R Weber, MVS Goffi Gomez, RV Brito Neto, CGO Peralta, ...
Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia 73, 439-445, 2007
Remote programming of cochlear implants
PA Samuel, MVS Goffi-Gomez, AG Bittencourt, RK Tsuji, R Brito
CoDAS 26 (6), 481-486, 2014
Tratado de implante coclear e próteses auditivas implantáveis
RF Bento, LRPL Júnior, RK Tsuji, MVS Goffi-Gomez, DVSP Lima, ...
Thieme Revinter, 2018
Audiological profile of patients treated for childhood cancer
PHP Liberman, MVS Goffi-Gomez, C Schultz, PE Novaes, LF Lopes
Brazilian journal of otorhinolaryngology 82, 623-629, 2016
Cochlear implantation via the middle fossa approach: surgical and programming considerations
RF Bento, AG Bittencourt, MVS Goffi-Gomez, P Samuel, RK Tsuji, ...
Otology & Neurotology 33 (9), 1516-1524, 2012
Telemetria de resposta neural intra-operatória em usuários de implante coclear
MC Guedes, RV Brito Neto, MVS Goffi Gomez, SBG Sant'Anna, ...
Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia 71, 660-667, 2005
Vocabulário expressivo em crianças usuárias de implante coclear
CA Colalto, MVS Goffi-Gomez, ATM Magalhães, PA Samuel, ...
Revista Cefac 19, 308-319, 2017
The influence of auditory feedback and vocal rehabilitation on prelingual hearing-impaired individuals post cochlear implant
MT Ubrig, RK Tsuji, R Weber, MHM Menezes, VMO Barrichelo, ...
Journal of Voice 33 (6), 947. e1-947. e9, 2019
Hearing preservation using topical dexamethasone alone and associated with hyaluronic acid in cochlear implantation
BF Ramos, RK Tsuji, RF Bento, MVS Goffi-Gomez, HF Ramos, PA Samuel, ...
Acta oto-laryngologica 135 (5), 473-477, 2015
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