Svenja Schälicke
Svenja Schälicke
State Office of Health and Social Affairs Berlin - Water hygiene
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No differences between littoral fish community structure of small natural and gravel pit lakes in the northern German lowlands
M Emmrich, S Schälicke, D Huehn, C Lewin, R Arlinghaus
Limnologica 46, 84-93, 2014
Food quantity–quality co‐limitation: Interactive effects of dietary carbon and essential lipid supply on population growth of a freshwater rotifer
S Schälicke, LY Sobisch, D Martin-Creuzburg, A Wacker
Freshwater Biology 64 (5), 903-912, 2019
Interactive effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on growth and stoichiometry of lake phytoplankton
PC Frost, NJT Pearce, SA Berger, MO Gessner, AK Makower, V Marzetz, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 68 (5), 1172-1184, 2023
Feeding in the frequency domain: coarser‐grained environments increase consumer sensitivity to resource variability, covariance and phase
AM Koussoroplis, S Schälicke, M Raatz, M Bach, A Wacker
Ecology Letters 22 (7), 1104-1114, 2019
One man's trash is another man's treasure — the effect of bacteria on phytoplankton–zooplankton interactions in chemostat systems
M Raatz, S Schälicke, M Sieber, A Wacker, U Gaedke
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 16 (10), 629-639, 2018
Inter- and intraspecific differences in rotifer fatty acid composition during acclimation to low-quality food
S Schälicke, S Heim, D Martin-Creuzburg, A Wacker
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375 (1804), 20190644, 2020
Strukturierende Faktoren der litoralen Fischartengemeinschaft angelfischereilich bewirtschafteter Baggerseen in Niedersachsen
S Schälicke, D Hühn, R Arlinghaus
Forschungsbericht des Besatzfisch Projekts am Leibniz-Institut für …, 2012
Fitness response variation within and among consumer species can be co-mediated by food quantity and biochemical quality
S Schälicke, J Teubner, D Martin-Creuzburg, A Wacker
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 16126, 2019
Consumer Traits and Trait Variation Under the Influence of Biochemical Food Quality: Merkmale und Merkmalsvariationen Von Konsumenten Unter Dem Einfluss Biochemischer …
S Schälicke
University of Potsdam, 2020
Consumer traits and trait variation under the influence of biochemical food quality
S Schälicke
Universität Potsdam, 2020
Resource co-limited growth in fluctuating environments
AM Koussoroplis, S Schälicke, M Raatz, M Bach, A Wacker
bioRxiv, 356980, 2018
Fischbesatz und Fischbiodiversität in der deutschen Angelfischerei: Ufergebundene Fischartenvielfalt anglerisch gehegter Baggerseen
D Hühn, S Schälicke, M Emmrich, T Pagel, WC Lewin, R Arlinghaus
Hand in Hand für eine nachhaltige Angelfischerei: Ergebnisse und …, 2015
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