Hoang Van Toan
Hoang Van Toan
其他姓名Van Toan Hoang
Telecommunication University
在 tcu.edu.vn 的电子邮件经过验证
Performance analysis of cognitive underlay two-way relay networks with interference and imperfect channel state information
HV Toan, VNQ Bao, KN Le
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2018, 1-10, 2018
Cognitive two‐way relay systems with multiple primary receivers: exact and asymptotic outage formulation
H Van Toan, VN Quoc Bao, H Nguyen‐Le
IET Communications 11 (16), 2490-2497, 2017
Performance of two‐way AF relaying with energy harvesting over Nakagami‐m fading channels
VN Quoc Bao, H Van Toan, KN Le
IET Communications 12 (20), 2592-2599, 2018
Outage probability and ergodic capacity of a two-user NOMA relaying system with an energy harvesting full-duplex relay and its interference at the near user
HV Toan, TM Hoang, TT Duy, LT Dung
Sensors 20 (22), 6472, 2020
Outage Probability Analysis of Decode‐and‐Forward Two‐Way Relaying System with Energy Harvesting Relay
HV Toan, TM Hoang, LT Dung
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2020 (1), 8886487, 2020
Secrecy performance analysis of UAV-based full-duplex two-way relay NOMA system
TT Nguyen, MH Tran, TTH Le, XN Tran
Performance Evaluation 161, 102352, 2023
Opportunistic relaying for cognitive two-way network with multiple primary receivers over Nakagami-m fading
H Van Toan, VNQ Bao
2016 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications …, 2016
Secrecy performance analysis for MIMO relay system with transmit/receive antenna selection under imperfect CSI
CT Dung, LX Hung, TM Hoang, H Van Toan
2020 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications …, 2020
Joint resource and trajectory optimization for secure UAV-based relay NOMA system
TT Nguyen, MH Tran, TTH Le, XN Tran
Vehicular Communications 43, 100650, 2023
Performance analysis of cognitive two-way networks with interference from primary user over Nakagami-m fading channels
H Van Toan, VNQ Bao
Journal of Science and Technology: Issue on Information and Communications …, 2017
Analysis of FD-NOMA cognitive relay system with interference from primary user under maximum average interference power constraint
H Van Toan, QN Van, TM Hoang, VD Phan, BV Minh, PT Hiep, T Le Dung
IEEE Access 9, 161256-161268, 2021
Outage Probability and Ergodic Capacity of a Two-User NOMA Relaying System with an Energy Harvesting Full-Duplex Relay and Its Interference at the Near User
H Van Toan, TM Hoang, TT Duy
Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 20 (22), 6472, 2020
Average Achievable Rate Analysis for Reliable Control in UAV-Based Short-Packet Communication Networks
P Minh Nam, H Van Toan, N Hoang An, N Quang Sang, T Trung Duy
Wireless Personal Communications, 1-19, 2025
On the block error rate performance of cooperative non‐orthogonal multiple access short‐packet communications with full‐duplex relay and partial relay selection
HD Hung, HV Toan, TT Duy, LT Dung, QS Vu
ETRI Journal 46 (3), 446-460, 2024
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