Donna Bobek
Donna Bobek
在 moore.sc.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
An investigation of the theory of planned behavior and the role of moral obligation in tax compliance
DD Bobek, RC Hatfield
Behavioral research in accounting 15 (1), 13-38, 2003
The social norms of tax compliance: Evidence from Australia, Singapore, and the United States
DD Bobek, RW Roberts, JT Sweeney
Journal of Business Ethics 74, 49-64, 2007
Analyzing the role of social norms in tax compliance behavior
DD Bobek, AM Hageman, CF Kelliher
Journal of business ethics 115, 451-468, 2013
An investigation of why taxpayers prefer refunds: A theory of planned behavior approach
DD Bobek, RC Hatfield, K Wentzel
Journal of the American Taxation Association 29 (1), 93-111, 2007
Resolving audit engagement challenges through communication
DD Bobek, BE Daugherty, RR Radtke
Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 31 (4), 21-45, 2012
The role of client advocacy in the development of tax professionals’ advice
DD Bobek, AM Hageman, RC Hatfield
Journal of the American Taxation Association 32 (1), 25-51, 2010
The effects of professional role, decision context, and gender on the ethical decision making of public accounting professionals
DD Bobek, AM Hageman, RR Radtke
Behavioral Research in Accounting 27 (1), 55-78, 2015
Tax fairness: How do individuals judge fairness and what effect does it have on their behavior?
DD Bobek
University of Florida, 1997
An experiential investigation of tax professionals' ethical environments
DD Bobek, RR Radtke
Journal of the American Taxation Association 29 (2), 63-84, 2007
The influence of roles and organizational fit on accounting professionals’ perceptions of their firms’ ethical environment
DD Bobek, AM Hageman, RR Radtke
Journal of Business Ethics 126, 125-141, 2015
The politics of tax accounting in the United States: Evidence from the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997
RW Roberts, DD Bobek
Accounting, Organizations and Society 29 (5-6), 565-590, 2004
The ethical environment of tax professionals: Partner and non-partner perceptions and experiences
DD Bobek, AM Hageman, RR Radtke
Journal of Business Ethics 92, 637-654, 2010
An investigation of ethical environments of CPAs: Public accounting versus industry
DD Bobek, DW Dalton, BE Daugherty, AM Hageman, RR Radtke
Behavioral Research in Accounting 29 (1), 43-56, 2017
The social norms of tax compliance: Scale development, social desirability, and presentation effects
DD Bobek, AM Hageman, CF Kelliher
Advances in accounting behavioral research, 37-66, 2011
Are individuals more willing to lie to a computer or a human? Evidence from a tax compliance setting
E LaMothe, D Bobek
Journal of Business Ethics 167 (2), 157-180, 2020
How do individuals judge fairness and what effect does it have on their behaviour?(Federal income tax, Theory of planned behaviour)
DD Bobek
Ann Arbor: UMI, 1997
Does prospect theory explain ethical decision making? Evidence from tax compliance
CR Austin, DD Bobek, S Jackson
Accounting, Organizations and Society 94, 101251, 2021
The effect of temporary changes and expectations on individuals' decisions: Evidence from a tax compliance setting
CR Austin, DD Bobek, EG LaMothe
The Accounting Review 95 (3), 33-58, 2020
Does information about gender pay matter to investors? An experimental investigation
CR Austin, DD Bobek, LL Harris
Accounting, Organizations and Society 90, 101193, 2021
An experiential investigation of tax professionals' contentious interactions with clients
DD Bobek, DW Dalton, AM Hageman, RR Radtke
The Journal of the American Taxation Association 41 (2), 1-29, 2019
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