Gap analysis: a geographic approach to protection of biological diversity JM Scott, F Davis, B Csuti, R Noss, B Butterfield, C Groves, H Anderson, ... Wildlife monographs, 3-41, 1993 | 1985 | 1993 |
Nature reserves: do they capture the full range of America's biological diversity? JM Scott, FW Davis, RG McGhie, RG Wright, C Groves, J Estes Ecological applications 11 (4), 999-1007, 2001 | 770 | 2001 |
Reserve selection as a maximal covering location problem RL Church, DM Stoms, FW Davis Biological conservation 76 (2), 105-112, 1996 | 624 | 1996 |
Tree mortality predicted from drought-induced vascular damage WRL Anderegg, A Flint, C Huang, L Flint, JA Berry, FW Davis, JS Sperry, ... Nature geoscience 8 (5), 367-371, 2015 | 454 | 2015 |
Modeling plant species distributions under future climates: how fine scale do climate projections need to be? J Franklin, FW Davis, M Ikegami, AD Syphard, LE Flint, AL Flint, L Hannah Global change biology 19 (2), 473-483, 2013 | 437 | 2013 |
Monitoring plant functional diversity from space W Jetz, J Cavender-Bares, R Pavlick, D Schimel, FW Davis, GP Asner, ... Nature plants 2 (3), 1-5, 2016 | 393 | 2016 |
Foundations of translational ecology CAF Enquist, ST Jackson, GM Garfin, FW Davis, LR Gerber, JA Littell, ... Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 15 (10), 541-550, 2017 | 303 | 2017 |
Modeling vegetation pattern using digital terrain data FW Davis, S Goetz Landscape ecology 4, 69-80, 1990 | 299 | 1990 |
Gene movement and genetic association with regional climate gradients in California valley oak (Quercus lobata Née) in the face of climate change VL Sork, FW Davis, R Westfall, A Flint, M Ikegami, H Wang, D Grivet Molecular Ecology 19 (17), 3806-3823, 2010 | 298 | 2010 |
Interactions of factors affecting seedling recruitment of blue oak (Quercus douglasii) in California MI Borchert, FW Davis, J Michaelsen, LD Oyler Ecology 70 (2), 389-404, 1989 | 296 | 1989 |
Pollen movement in declining populations of California Valley oak, Quercus lobata: where have all the fathers gone? VL Sork, FW Davis, PE Smouse, VJ Apsit, RJ Dyer, JF Fernandez‐M, ... Molecular Ecology 11 (9), 1657-1668, 2002 | 287 | 2002 |
Vegetation dynamics, fire, and the physical environment in coastal central California RM Callaway, FW Davis Ecology 74 (5), 1567-1578, 1993 | 271 | 1993 |
Fire, soil heating, and the formation of vegetation patterns in chaparral DC Odion, FW Davis Ecological Monographs 70 (1), 149-169, 2000 | 253 | 2000 |
An information systems approach to the preservation of biological diversity FW Davis, DM Stoms, JE Estes, J Scepan, J Michael Scott International Journal of Geographical Information Systems 4 (1), 55-78, 1990 | 253 | 1990 |
Regression tree analysis of satellite and terrain data to guide vegetation sampling and surveys J Michaelsen, DS Schimel, MA Friedl, FW Davis, RC Dubayah Journal of Vegetation Science 5 (5), 673-686, 1994 | 238 | 1994 |
Estimating grassland biomass and leaf area index using ground and satellite data MA Friedl, DS Schimel, J Michaelsen, FW Davis, H Walker International Journal of Remote Sensing 15 (7), 1401-1420, 1994 | 230 | 1994 |
Sources of variation in radiometric surface temperature over a tallgrass prairie MA Friedl, FW Davis Remote sensing of Environment 48 (1), 1-17, 1994 | 230 | 1994 |
Coupling GIS and LCA for biodiversity assessments of land use: Part 1: Inventory modeling R Geyer, DM Stoms, JP Lindner, FW Davis, B Wittstock The international journal of life cycle assessment 15, 454-467, 2010 | 217 | 2010 |
Sensitivity of wildlife habitat models to uncertainties in GIS data DM Stoms, FW Davis, CB Cogan Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing 58 (ISSN: 0099-1112), 1992 | 211 | 1992 |
Complexity in ecology and conservation: mathematical, statistical, and computational challenges JL Green, A Hastings, P Arzberger, FJ Ayala, KL Cottingham, ... BioScience 55 (6), 501-510, 2005 | 209 | 2005 |