Rogue waves in the ocean C Kharif, E Pelinovsky, A Slunyaev Springer Science & Business Media, 2008 | 1641 | 2008 |
Physical mechanisms of the rogue wave phenomenon C Kharif, E Pelinovsky European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 22 (6), 603-634, 2003 | 1459 | 2003 |
A nonlinear model of internal tide transformation on the Australian North West Shelf PE Holloway, E Pelinovsky, T Talipova, B Barnes Journal of Physical Oceanography 27 (6), 871-896, 1997 | 375 | 1997 |
A generalized Korteweg‐de Vries model of internal tide transformation in the coastal zone PE Holloway, E Pelinovsky, T Talipova Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 104 (C8), 18333-18350, 1999 | 295 | 1999 |
Editorial–introductory remarks on “discussion & debate: Rogue waves–towards a unifying concept?” N Akhmediev, E Pelinovsky The European Physical Journal Special Topics 185, 1-4, 2010 | 291 | 2010 |
Extreme ocean waves E Pelinovsky, C Kharif Springer, 2008 | 262 | 2008 |
Observation of a hierarchy of up to fifth-order rogue waves in a water tank A Chabchoub, N Hoffmann, M Onorato, A Slunyaev, A Sergeeva, ... Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 86 (5 …, 2012 | 254 | 2012 |
Simulation of the transformation of internal solitary waves on oceanic shelves R Grimshaw, E Pelinovsky, T Talipova, A Kurkin Journal of physical oceanography 34 (12), 2774-2791, 2004 | 254 | 2004 |
Internal solitary waves: propagation, deformation and disintegration R Grimshaw, E Pelinovsky, T Talipova, O Kurkina Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 17 (6), 633-649, 2010 | 235 | 2010 |
Exact analytical solutions of nonlinear problems of tsunami wave run-up on slopes with different profiles EN Pelinovsky, RK Mazova Natural Hazards 6, 227-249, 1992 | 211 | 1992 |
Higher-order Korteweg-de Vries models for internal solitary waves in a stratified shear flow with a free surface R GrimShaw, E PelinovSky, O Poloukhina Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 9 (3/4), 221-235, 2002 | 201 | 2002 |
Simulation of the trans-oceanic tsunami propagation due to the 1883 Krakatau volcanic eruption BH Choi, E Pelinovsky, KO Kim, JS Lee Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 3 (5), 321-332, 2003 | 187 | 2003 |
Nonlinear-dispersive mechanism of the freak wave formation in shallow water E Pelinovsky, T Talipova, C Kharif Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 147 (1-2), 83-94, 2000 | 187 | 2000 |
Tsunamis in the Black Sea: comparison of the historical, instrumental, and numerical data A Yalçiner, E Pelinovsky, T Talipova, A Kurkin, A Kozelkov, A Zaitsev Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 109 (C12), 2004 | 183 | 2004 |
Simplified model of tsunami generation by submarine landslides E Pelinovsky, A Poplavsky Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 21 (1-2), 13-17, 1996 | 179 | 1996 |
The modified Korteweg-de Vries equation in the theory of large-amplitude internal waves R Grimshaw, E Pelinovsky, T Talipova Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 4 (4), 237-250, 1997 | 175 | 1997 |
Influence of wind on extreme wave events: experimental and numerical approaches C Kharif, JP Giovanangeli, J Touboul, L Grare, E Pelinovsky Journal of Fluid Mechanics 594, 209-247, 2008 | 171 | 2008 |
Modelling internal solitary waves in the coastal ocean R Grimshaw, E Pelinovsky, T Talipova Surveys in Geophysics 28, 273-298, 2007 | 169 | 2007 |
The September 28th, 2018, tsunami in Palu-Sulawesi, Indonesia: A post-event field survey R Omira, GG Dogan, R Hidayat, S Husrin, G Prasetya, A Annunziato, ... Pure and Applied Geophysics 176, 1379-1395, 2019 | 166 | 2019 |
Nonlinear evolution equations IUK Ėngelʹbrekht, VE Fridman, EN Pelinovskiĭ, A Jeffrey (No Title), 1988 | 164* | 1988 |