Development of an updated global land in situ‐based data set of temperature and precipitation extremes: HadEX3 RJH Dunn, LV Alexander, MG Donat, X Zhang, M Bador, N Herold, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 125 (16), e2019JD032263, 2020 | 349 | 2020 |
Antarctic glaciation caused ocean circulation changes at the Eocene–Oligocene transition A Goldner, N Herold, M Huber Nature 511 (7511), 574-577, 2014 | 214 | 2014 |
A multi-model assessment of last interglacial temperatures DJ Lunt, A Abe-Ouchi, P Bakker, A Berger, P Braconnot, S Charbit, ... Climate of the Past 9 (2), 699-717, 2013 | 183 | 2013 |
ClimPACT2: Indices and software L Alexander, N Herold github. com, 2016 | 174* | 2016 |
Temperature and precipitation extremes in century‐long gridded observations, reanalyses, and atmospheric model simulations MG Donat, LV Alexander, N Herold, AJ Dittus Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121 (19), 11,174-11,189, 2016 | 155 | 2016 |
How much does it rain over land? N Herold, LV Alexander, MG Donat, S Contractor, A Becker Geophysical Research Letters 43 (1), 341-348, 2016 | 154 | 2016 |
The challenge of simulating the warmth of the mid-Miocene climatic optimum in CESM1 A Goldner, N Herold, M Huber Climate of the Past 10 (2), 523-536, 2014 | 137 | 2014 |
Large uncertainties in observed daily precipitation extremes over land N Herold, A Behrangi, LV Alexander Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 122 (2), 668-681, 2017 | 127 | 2017 |
Modeling the Miocene climatic optimum: Ocean circulation N Herold, M Huber, RD Müller, M Seton Paleoceanography 27 (1), 2012 | 127 | 2012 |
Comparing optimal and empirical stomatal conductance models for application in Earth system models PJ Franks, GB Bonan, JA Berry, DL Lombardozzi, NM Holbrook, N Herold, ... Global change biology 24 (12), 5708-5723, 2018 | 110 | 2018 |
The influence of soil moisture deficits on Australian heatwaves N Herold, J Kala, LV Alexander Environmental Research Letters 11 (6), 064003, 2016 | 104 | 2016 |
Simulating Miocene warmth: Insights from an opportunistic multi‐model ensemble (MioMIP1) NJ Burls, CD Bradshaw, AM De Boer, N Herold, M Huber, M Pound, ... Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 36 (5), e2020PA004054, 2021 | 102 | 2021 |
Middle Miocene tectonic boundary conditions for use in climate models N Herold, M Seton, RD Müller, Y You, M Huber Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 9 (10), 2008 | 96 | 2008 |
Australian climate extremes in the 21st century according to a regional climate model ensemble: Implications for health and agriculture N Herold, M Ekström, J Kala, J Goldie, JP Evans Weather and climate extremes 20, 54-68, 2018 | 93 | 2018 |
Modeling the Miocene climatic optimum. Part I: Land and atmosphere N Herold, M Huber, RD Müller Journal of climate 24 (24), 6353-6372, 2011 | 93 | 2011 |
A suite of early Eocene (~ 55 Ma) climate model boundary conditions N Herold, J Buzan, M Seton, A Goldner, JAM Green, RD Müller, ... Geoscientific Model Development 7 (5), 2077-2090, 2014 | 90 | 2014 |
Unparalleled coupled ocean-atmosphere summer heatwaves in the New Zealand region: drivers, mechanisms and impacts MJ Salinger, HJ Diamond, E Behrens, D Fernandez, BB Fitzharris, ... Climatic Change 162, 485-506, 2020 | 79 | 2020 |
Middle Miocene climate and vegetation models and their validation with proxy data AJ Henrot, T Utescher, B Erdei, M Dury, N Hamon, G Ramstein, M Krapp, ... Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 467, 95-119, 2017 | 76 | 2017 |
Early to middle Miocene monsoon climate in Australia N Herold, M Huber, DR Greenwood, RD Müller, M Seton Geology 39 (1), 3-6, 2011 | 76 | 2011 |
Greater increases in temperature extremes in low versus high income countries N Herold, L Alexander, D Green, M Donat Environmental Research Letters 12 (3), 034007, 2017 | 65 | 2017 |