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81 2012 Tilt-induced localization and delocalization in the second Landau level GA Csáthy, JS Xia, CL Vicente, ED Adams, NS Sullivan, HL Stormer, ...
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73 2005 Effect of strain on stripe phases in the quantum Hall regime SP Koduvayur, Y Lyanda-Geller, S Khlebnikov, G Csathy, MJ Manfra, ...
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Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (12), 121305, 2011
62 2011 Contrasting energy scales of reentrant integer quantum Hall states N Deng, JD Watson, LP Rokhinson, MJ Manfra, GA Csáthy
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61 2012 Integrated electronic transport and thermometry at millikelvin temperatures and in strong magnetic fields N Samkharadze, A Kumar, MJ Manfra, LN Pfeiffer, KW West, GA Csáthy
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