A 1 GHz integrated circuit with carbon nanotube interconnects and silicon transistors GF Close, S Yasuda, B Paul, S Fujita, HSP Wong
Nano Letters 8 (2), 706-709, 2008
257 2008 Fully integrated graphene and carbon nanotube interconnects for gigahertz high-speed CMOS electronics X Chen, D Akinwande, KJ Lee, GF Close, S Yasuda, BC Paul, S Fujita, ...
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 57 (11), 3137-3143, 2010
188 2010 Drift-tolerant multilevel phase-change memory N Papandreou, H Pozidis, T Mittelholzer, GF Close, M Breitwisch, C Lam, ...
2011 3rd IEEE International Memory Workshop (IMW), 1-4, 2011
164 2011 Device, circuit and system-level analysis of noise in multi-bit phase-change memory GF Close, U Frey, M Breitwisch, HL Lung, C Lam, C Hagleitner, ...
2010 International Electron Devices Meeting, 29.5. 1-29.5. 4, 2010
80 2010 Monolithic integration of CMOS VLSI and carbon nanotubes for hybrid nanotechnology applications D Akinwande, S Yasuda, B Paul, S Fujita, G Close, HSP Wong
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 7 (5), 636-639, 2008
71 2008 Analysis of the frequency response of carbon nanotube transistors D Akinwande, GF Close, HSP Wong
IEEE transactions on nanotechnology 5 (5), 599-605, 2006
56 2006 A 256-Mcell Phase-Change Memory Chip Operating at Bit/Cell GF Close, U Frey, J Morrish, R Jordan, SC Lewis, T Maffitt, MJ BrightSky, ...
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 60 (6), 1521-1533, 2013
50 2013 Carbon nanotube electronics-materials, devices, circuits, design, modeling, and performance projection HSP Wong, S Mitra, D Akinwande, C Beasley, Y Chai, HY Chen, X Chen, ...
2011 International Electron Devices Meeting, 23.1. 1-23.1. 4, 2011
49 2011 Assembly and electrical characterization of multiwall carbon nanotube interconnects GF Close, HSP Wong
IEEE transactions on nanotechnology 7 (5), 596-600, 2008
45 2008 Fabrication and characterization of carbon nanotube interconnects GF Close, HSP Wong
2007 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, 203-206, 2007
45 2007 Measurement of subnanosecond delay through multiwall carbon-nanotube local interconnects in a CMOS integrated circuit GF Close, S Yasuda, BC Paul, S Fujita, HSP Wong
IEEE transactions on electron devices 56 (1), 43-49, 2008
37 2008 High-speed graphene interconnects monolithically integrated with CMOS ring oscillators operating at 1.3 GHz X Chen, KJ Lee, D Akinwande, GF Close, S Yasuda, B Paul, S Fujita, ...
2009 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 1-4, 2009
35 2009 A gradiometric magnetic force sensor immune to stray magnetic fields for robotic hands and grippers T Le Signor, N Dupré, GF Close
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (2), 3070-3076, 2022
34 2022 Integrated Hall-based magnetic platform for position sensing S Leroy, S Rigert, A Laville, A Ajbl, GF Close
ESSCIRC 2017-43rd IEEE European Solid State Circuits Conference, 360-363, 2017
22 2017 A 512Mb phase-change memory (PCM) in 90nm CMOS achieving 2b/cell GF Close, U Frey, J Morrish, R Jordan, S Lewis, T Maffitt, M Breitwisch, ...
2011 Symposium on VLSI Circuits-Digest of Technical Papers, 202-203, 2011
22 2011 Monolithic integration of CMOS VLSI and CNT for hybrid nanotechnology applications D Akinwande, S Yasuda, B Paul, S Fujita, G Close, HSP Wong
ESSDERC 2008-38th European Solid-State Device Research Conference, 91-94, 2008
22 2008 A stray-field-immune magnetic displacement sensor with 1% accuracy N Dupre, Y Bidaux, O Dubrulle, GF Close
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (19), 11405-11411, 2020
19 2020 A gradiometric magnetic sensor system for stray-field-immune rotary position sensing in harsh environment S Huber, JW Burssens, N Dupré, O Dubrulle, Y Bidaux, G Close, C Schott
Proceedings 2 (1), 809, 2018
17 2018 Cell-state measurement in resistive memory G Close, C Hagleitner, A Pantazi, N Papandreou, C Pozidis, A Sebastian
US Patent App. 13/591,828, 2012
15 2012 Cell-state measurement in resistive memory G Close, C Hagleitner, A Pantazi, N Papandreou, C Pozidis, A Sebastian
US Patent App. 13/415,127, 2012
15 2012