Dbpedia: A nucleus for a web of open data S Auer, C Bizer, G Kobilarov, J Lehmann, R Cyganiak, Z Ives international semantic web conference, 722-735, 2007 | 7397 | 2007 |
Dbpedia-a crystallization point for the web of data C Bizer, J Lehmann, G Kobilarov, S Auer, C Becker, R Cyganiak, ... Journal of web semantics 7 (3), 154-165, 2009 | 3129 | 2009 |
D2r server-publishing relational databases on the semantic web C Bizer, R Cyganiak Poster at the 5th international semantic web conference 175, 2006 | 516 | 2006 |
How to publish linked data on the web C Bizer, R Cyganiak, T Heath | 502 | 2007 |
Describing Linked Datasets. K Alexander, R Cyganiak, M Hausenblas, J Zhao LDOW, 2009 | 494 | 2009 |
Sindice. com: a document-oriented lookup index for open linked data E Oren, R Delbru, M Catasta, R Cyganiak, H Stenzhorn, G Tummarello International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies 3 (1), 37-52, 2008 | 478 | 2008 |
R2RML: RDB to RDF mapping language S Das http://www. w3. org/TR/r2rml/, 2011 | 439 | 2011 |
Cool URIs for the semantic web L Sauermann, R Cyganiak, M Völkel | 336 | 2007 |
Quality-driven information filtering using the WIQA policy framework C Bizer, R Cyganiak Journal of Web Semantics 7 (1), 1-10, 2009 | 330 | 2009 |
A relational algebra for SPARQL R Cyganiak Digital Media Systems Laboratory HP Laboratories Bristol. HPL-2005-170 35 (9), 2005 | 310 | 2005 |
Sig. ma: Live views on the web of data G Tummarello, R Cyganiak, M Catasta, S Danielczyk, R Delbru, S Decker Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web, 1301-1304, 2010 | 278 | 2010 |
An empirical survey of linked data conformance A Hogan, J Umbrich, A Harth, R Cyganiak, A Polleres, S Decker Journal of Web Semantics 14, 14-44, 2012 | 272 | 2012 |
The RDF data cube vocabulary R Cyganiak, D Reynolds, J Tennison W3C recommendation 16, 2014 | 243 | 2014 |
The linking open data cloud diagram R Cyganiak http://richard. cyganiak. de/2007/10/lod/, 2011 | 210 | 2011 |
Describing linked datasets with the VoID vocabulary K Alexander http://www. w3. org/TR/void/, 2011 | 199 | 2011 |
Querying datasets on the web with high availability R Verborgh, O Hartig, B De Meester, G Haesendonck, L De Vocht, ... The Semantic Web–ISWC 2014: 13th International Semantic Web Conference, Riva …, 2014 | 182 | 2014 |
R2rml: Rdb to rdf mapping language. W3c recommendation S Das, S Sundara, R Cyganiak World wide web consortium 9, 2012 | 143 | 2012 |
D2rq-lessons learned C Bizer, R Cyganiak W3C Workshop on RDF Access to Relational Databases, 35, 2007 | 136 | 2007 |
Enabling interoperability of government data catalogues F Maali, R Cyganiak, V Peristeras Electronic Government: 9th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2010 …, 2010 | 126 | 2010 |
Aberer K et al S Auer, C Bizer, G Kobilarov, J Lehmann, R Cyganiak, Z Ives DBpedia: a nucleus for a web of open data The Semantic Web, 722-735, 2007 | 123 | 2007 |