Multisource assessment of children's social competence N Junttila, M Voeten, A Kaukiainen, M Vauras Educational and psychological measurement 66 (5), 874-895, 2006 | 313 | 2006 |
Kavereita nolla: Lasten ja nuorten yksinäisyys N Junttila Tammi, 2015 | 213 | 2015 |
Adolescent loneliness and social anxiety as predictors of bullying victimisation EO Acquah, PZ Topalli, ML Wilson, N Junttila, PM Niemi International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 21 (3), 320-331, 2016 | 204 | 2016 |
The role of parenting self-efficacy in childrenś social and academic behavior N Junttila, M Vauras, E Laakkonen European journal of psychology of education 22, 41-61, 2007 | 194 | 2007 |
Social competence and loneliness during the school years-Issues in assessment, interrelations and intergenerational transmission N Junttila Annales Universitatis Turkuensis B 325, 2010 | 154 | 2010 |
The role of social competence in the psychological well-being of adolescents in secondary education L Holopainen, K Lappalainen, N Junttila, H Savolainen Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 56 (2), 199-212, 2012 | 134 | 2012 |
Loneliness among school‐aged children and their parents N Junttila, M Vauras Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 50 (3), 211-219, 2009 | 134 | 2009 |
Yksinäisyyden ulottuvuudet N Junttila Teoksessa Juho Saari (toim.) Yksinäisten Suomi. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 52-69, 2016 | 115 | 2016 |
Loneliness and friendships among eight‐year‐old children: Time‐trends over a 24‐year period L Lempinen, N Junttila, A Sourander Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 59 (2), 171-179, 2018 | 96 | 2018 |
The courses of maternal and paternal depressive and anxiety symptoms during the prenatal period in the FinnBrain Birth Cohort study R Korja, S Nolvi, EL Kataja, N Scheinin, N Junttila, H Lahtinen, S Saarni, ... PloS one 13 (12), e0207856, 2018 | 91 | 2018 |
Kaiken keskellä yksin: Aikuisten yksinäisyydestä N Junttila Tammi, 2018 | 89 | 2018 |
Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-A): measuring social anxiety among Finnish adolescents K Ranta, N Junttila, E Laakkonen, A Uhmavaara, AM La Greca, PM Niemi Child Psychiatry & Human Development 43, 574-591, 2012 | 77 | 2012 |
Social and emotional loneliness: Longitudinal stability, interdependence, and intergenerational transmission among boys and girls AE Salo, N Junttila, M Vauras Family Relations 69 (1), 151-165, 2020 | 75 | 2020 |
Intercorrelations and developmental pathways of mothers' and fathers' loneliness during pregnancy, infancy and toddlerhood–STEPS study N Junttila, S Ahlqvist‐Björkroth, M Aromaa, P Rautava, J Piha, H Räihä Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 56 (5), 482-488, 2015 | 75 | 2015 |
Lasten ja nuorten yksinäisyys N Junttila Teoksessa Juho Saari (toim.) Yksinäisten Suomi. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 149-163, 2016 | 69 | 2016 |
Sosiaalinen kompetenssi ja yksinäisyys koululaisilla N Junttila Tunne-ja sosiaalisten taitojen vahvistaminen kouluyhteisössä, 2010 | 68 | 2010 |
Initiation and exclusivity of breastfeeding: association with mothers' and fathers' prenatal and postnatal depression and marital distress S Ahlqvist‐Björkroth, J Vaarno, N Junttila, M Pajulo, H Räihä, H Niinikoski, ... Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica 95 (4), 396-404, 2016 | 66 | 2016 |
Multisource assessed social competence as a predictor for children’s and adolescents’ later loneliness, social anxiety, and social phobia N Junttila, M Vauras, PM Niemi, E Laakkonen Journal for educational research online 4 (1), 73-98, 2012 | 62 | 2012 |
Measuring multidimensional parental self‐efficacy of mothers and fathers of children ages 1.5 and 3 years N Junttila, M Aromaa, P Rautava, J Piha, H Räihä Family Relations 64 (5), 665-680, 2015 | 61 | 2015 |
The effects of loneliness and social isolation on all-cause, injury, cancer, and CVD mortality in a cohort of middle-aged Finnish men. A prospective study SL Kraav, O Awoyemi, N Junttila, R Vornanen, J Kauhanen, T Toikko, ... Aging & mental health 25 (12), 2219-2228, 2021 | 59 | 2021 |