A closed solar photobioreactor for cultivation of microalgae under supra-high irradiance: basic design and performance J Masojídek, Š Papáček, M Sergejevova, V Jirka, J Červený, J Kunc, ...
Journal of Applied Phycology 15, 239-248, 2003
126 2003 Phycobilisome mobility and its role in the regulation of light harvesting in red algae R Kaňa, E Kotabová, M Luke¡, Š Papáček, C Matonoha, LN Liu, O Prá¡ il, ...
Plant physiology 165 (4), 1618-1631, 2014
72 2014 Different strategies of metabolic regulation in cyanobacteria: from transcriptional to biochemical control J Jablonsky, S Papacek, M Hagemann
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 33024, 2016
45 2016 Model for Photosynthesis and Photoinhibition: Parameter Identification Based on the Harmonic Irradiation Response Measurement B Rehak, S Celikovsky, S Papacek
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 53 (Special Issue), 101-108, 2008
43 2008 Singular perturbation based solution to optimal microalgal growth problem and its infinite time horizon analysis S Celikovsky, S Papacek, A Cervantes-Herrera, J Ruiz-León
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 55 (3), 767-772, 2010
40 2010 Bilinear system as a modelling framework for analysis of microalgal growth Š Papáček, S Čelikovský, D Štys, JJ Ruiz-León
Kybernetika 43 (1), 1-20, 2007
29 2007 Advanced integration of fluid dynamics and photosynthetic reaction kinetics for microalgae culture systems S Papacek, J Jablonsky, K Petera
BMC systems biology 12, 1-12, 2018
27 2018 Experimental design for parameter estimation of two time-scale model of photosynthesis and photoinhibition in microalgae Š Papáček, S Čelikovský, B Rehák, D Štys
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 80 (6), 1302-1309, 2010
25 2010 A sparse pair-preserving centroid-based supervised learning method for high-dimensional biomedical data or images J Kalina, C Matonoha
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 40 (2), 774-786, 2020
24 * 2020 Estimation of diffusivity of phycobilisomes on thylakoid membrane based on spatio-temporal FRAP images Š Papáček, R Kaňa, C Matonoha
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 57 (7-8), 1907-1912, 2013
20 2013 Modelling and simulation of photosynthetic microorganism growth: random walk vs. finite difference method Š Papáček, C Matonoha, V Štumbauer, D Štys
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 82 (10), 2022-2032, 2012
19 2012 On measurement of internal variables of complex self-organized systems and their relation to multifractal spectra D Štys, P Jizba, Š Papáček, T Náhlík, P Císař
Self-Organizing Systems: 6th IFIP TC 6 International Workshop, IWSOS 2012 …, 2012
15 2012 On Data Space Selection and Data Processing for Parameter Identification in a Reaction‐Diffusion Model Based on FRAP Experiments S Kindermann, Š Papáček
Abstract and Applied Analysis 2015 (1), 859849, 2015
13 2015 Experimental & computational fluid dynamics study of the suitability of different solid feed pellets for aquaculture systems Š Papáček, K Petera, P Císař, V Stejskal, M Saberioon
Applied Sciences 10 (19), 6954, 2020
11 2020 Growth impact of hydrodynamic dispersion in a Couette–Taylor bioreactor Š Papáček, V Štumbauer, D Štys, K Petera, C Matonoha
Mathematical and computer modelling 54 (7-8), 1791-1795, 2011
11 2011 Methodology for algal photobioreactor design: mathematical modelling of hydrodynamic mixing and prediction of light regime parameters S Papácek, P Rálek, M Hokr, J Kopecký, J Masojídek, D Stys, K Petera
The 2nd International Workshop on Simulation, Modelling, and Numerical …, 2003
11 2003 EngOpt 2018 proceedings of the 6th international conference on engineering optimization HC Rodrigues, J Herskovits, CMM Soares, AL Araújo, JM Guedes, ...
Springer, 2018
10 2018 On estimation of diffusion coefficient based on spatio-temporal FRAP images: an inverse ill-posed problem R Kaňa, C Matonoha, Š Papáček, J Soukup
Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics, 100-111, 2013
10 2013 FRAP & FLIP: two sides of the same coin? S Papácek, J Jablonsky, C Matonoha, R Kana, S Kindermann
IWBBIO (2), 444-455, 2015
9 * 2015 Multicompartment/CFD modelling of transport and reaction processes in Couette-Taylor photobioreactor Š Papáček, D Štýs, P Dolínek, K Petera
University of West Bohemia, 2007
9 2007