Control methodologies in networked control systems Y Tipsuwan, MY Chow Control engineering practice 11 (10), 1099-1111, 2003 | 1530 | 2003 |
Networked control system: Overview and research trends RA Gupta, MY Chow IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 57 (7), 2527-2535, 2009 | 1434 | 2009 |
Battery management system: An overview of its application in the smart grid and electric vehicles H Rahimi-Eichi, U Ojha, F Baronti, MY Chow IEEE industrial electronics magazine 7 (2), 4-16, 2013 | 1140 | 2013 |
A survey on demand response in smart grids: Mathematical models and approaches R Deng, Z Yang, MY Chow, J Chen IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 11 (3), 570-582, 2015 | 1052 | 2015 |
Neural-network-based motor rolling bearing fault diagnosis B Li, MY Chow, Y Tipsuwan, JC Hung IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 47 (5), 1060-1069, 2000 | 1048 | 2000 |
A survey on the electrification of transportation in a smart grid environment W Su, H Eichi, W Zeng, MY Chow IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 8 (1), 1-10, 2011 | 979 | 2011 |
Convergence analysis of the incremental cost consensus algorithm under different communication network topologies in a smart grid Z Zhang, MY Chow IEEE Transactions on power systems 27 (4), 1761-1768, 2012 | 764 | 2012 |
Online adaptive parameter identification and state-of-charge coestimation for lithium-polymer battery cells H Rahimi-Eichi, F Baronti, MY Chow IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61 (4), 2053-2061, 2013 | 435 | 2013 |
Performance evaluation of an EDA-based large-scale plug-in hybrid electric vehicle charging algorithm W Su, MY Chow IEEE transactions on smart grid 3 (1), 308-315, 2011 | 410 | 2011 |
Network-based control systems: A tutorial MY Chow, Y Tipsuwan IECON'01. 27th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2001 | 365 | 2001 |
Incremental welfare consensus algorithm for cooperative distributed generation/demand response in smart grid N Rahbari-Asr, U Ojha, Z Zhang, MY Chow IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (6), 2836-2845, 2014 | 336 | 2014 |
Methodologies of using neural network and fuzzy logic technologies for motor incipient fault detection MY Chow World Scientific, 1997 | 283 | 1997 |
A review of emerging techniques on generation expansion planning J Zhu, M Chow IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 12 (4), 1722-1728, 1997 | 276 | 1997 |
To centralize or to distribute: That is the question: A comparison of advanced microgrid management systems Z Cheng, J Duan, MY Chow IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine 12 (1), 6-24, 2018 | 273 | 2018 |
Residential energy consumption scheduling: A coupled-constraint game approach R Deng, Z Yang, J Chen, NR Asr, MY Chow IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (3), 1340-1350, 2014 | 259 | 2014 |
On the application and design of artificial neural networks for motor fault detection. I MY Chow, RN Sharpe, JC Hung IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 40 (2), 181-188, 1993 | 258 | 1993 |
Gain scheduler middleware: a methodology to enable existing controllers for networked control and teleoperation-part I: networked control Y Tipsuwan, MY Chow IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 51 (6), 1218-1227, 2004 | 233 | 2004 |
A classification approach for power distribution systems fault cause identification L Xu, MY Chow IEEE Transactions on power systems 21 (1), 53-60, 2006 | 220 | 2006 |
Multiple discriminant analysis and neural-network-based monolith and partition fault-detection schemes for broken rotor bar in induction motors B Ayhan, MY Chow, MH Song IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 53 (4), 1298-1308, 2006 | 213 | 2006 |
A neural network approach to real-time condition monitoring of induction motors MY Chow, PM Mangum, SO Yee IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 38 (6), 448-453, 1991 | 213 | 1991 |