Method and device for partitioning physical network resources W Holender, T Henk, S Blaabjerg, A Farago, B Stavenow US Patent 6,104,699, 2000 | 443 | 2000 |
Enhancement of network operation and performance W Holender, T Henk, S Blaabjerg, A Farago, B Stavenow US Patent 6,069,894, 2000 | 102 | 2000 |
A new degree of freedom in ATM network dimensioning: optimizing the logical configuration A Farago, S Blaabjerg, L Ast, G Gordos, T Henk IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 13 (7), 1199-1206, 1995 | 90 | 1995 |
Radoop: Analyzing big data with rapidminer and hadoop Z Prekopcsak, G Makrai, T Henk, C Gaspar-Papanek Proceedings of the 2nd RapidMiner Community Meeting and Conference, RCOMM …, 2011 | 83 | 2011 |
The generation of arbitrary‐phase polynomials by recurrence formulae T Henk International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 9 (4), 461-478, 1981 | 48 | 1981 |
A precomputation scheme for minimum interference routing: the Least-Critical-Path-First algorithm G Rétvári, JJ Bíró, T Ciinkler, T Henk Proceedings IEEE 24th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 2005 | 32 | 2005 |
Gefcom 2014—probabilistic electricity price forecasting G Barta, GBG Nagy, S Kazi, T Henk Intelligent decision technologies: proceedings of the 7th KES international …, 2015 | 24 | 2015 |
Resource management in differentiated services (RMD) IP networks R Szabó, T Henk, V Rexhepi, G Karagiannis International Conference on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies and …, 2001 | 24 | 2001 |
Generic multipath routing concept for dynamic traffic engineering A Takács, ND Csaszar, R Szabó, T Henk IEEE communications letters 10 (2), 126-128, 2006 | 17 | 2006 |
Stalled information based routing in multidomain multilayer networks J Szigeti, J Tapolcai, T Cinkler, T Henk, G Sallai 11th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning …, 2004 | 17 | 2004 |
Design of selective lowpass sampled‐data and digital filters exhibiting equiripple amplitude and phase error characteristics M Abo‐zahhad, T Henk International journal of circuit theory and applications 23 (1), 59-74, 1995 | 17 | 1995 |
Stochastic algorithms for design of thrifty single-failure-protected networks T Cinkler, T Henk, G Gordos Proc. Design of Reliable Communications Networks (DRCN 2000), 9-12, 2000 | 15 | 2000 |
Simultaneous amplitude and phase approximation for FIR filters F Leeb, T Henk International journal of circuit theory and applications 17 (3), 363-374, 1989 | 15 | 1989 |
Efficient bounds for bufferless statistical multiplexing Z Heszberger, J Zátonyi, JJ Biro, T Henk Globecom'00-IEEE. Global Telecommunications Conference. Conference Record …, 2000 | 14 | 2000 |
Simultaneous amplitude and phase approximation for lumped and sampled filters J Földvári‐Orosz, T Henk, E Simonyi International journal of circuit theory and applications 19 (1), 77-100, 1991 | 14 | 1991 |
Analog neural optimization for ATM resource management A Farago, J Biro, T Henk, M Boda IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 15 (2), 156-164, 1997 | 12 | 1997 |
Design of lattice wave digital filters with prescribed loss and phase specifications M Abo-Zahhad, M Yaseen, T Henk European Conf. Circuit Theory Design 2, 761-764, 1995 | 12 | 1995 |
Resource separation—An efficient tool for optimizing ATM network configuration A Faragó, S Blaabjerg, W Holender, T Henk, L Ast, A Szentesi, Z Ziaja Networks 94, 1-5, 1994 | 12 | 1994 |
Activity recognition for personal time management Z Prekopcsák, S Soha, T Henk, C Gáspár-Papanek Ambient Intelligence: European Conference, AmI 2009, Salzburg, Austria …, 2009 | 10 | 2009 |
Simultaneous approximation for bireciprocal lattice wave digital filters F Leeb, T Henk 1989 European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, 472-476, 1989 | 10 | 1989 |