Kraft lignin-based polyols by microwave: optimizing reaction conditions SHF da Silva, PSB dos Santos, D Thomas da Silva, R Briones, DA Gatto, ... Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology 37 (5), 343-358, 2017 | 18 | 2017 |
Journal Browser TG Fedulina, MF Kiryushina, SM Shevchenko, AV Pranovich, M Kaseem, ... | | 2017 |
Kraft Lignin-Based Polyols by Microwave: Optimizing Reaction Conditions SH Fuentes, PÃS Bilhalva, T da Silva, D Alberto Journal of wood chemistry and technology, 2017 | | 2017 |
Caracterização da lignina obtida da madeira de diferentes espécies por meio do processo organosolv PSB dos Santos, AK Soares, S Fuentes, J Labidi, DA Gatto Revista Ciência da Madeira (Brazilian Journal of Wood Science) 6 (3), 2015 | | 2015 |
Characterization of Organosolv lignin of wood from different species. PSB Santos, AK Soares, S Fuentes, J Labidi, DA Gatto | | 2015 |
Exploring Fine Compounds and Biomass Potential in Cabralea canjerana and Cordia americana Wood M Berwaldt Santos, E Ceretta Moreira, A Fonseca Leitzke, ... Frontiers in Chemical Engineering 7, 1529850, 0 | | |
Evaluation of surface roughness of Pinus ssp. wood with three types of finish and exposed to accelerated aging. PSB dos Santos, SHF da Silva, RL PEREIRA, TR MATTOSO, D ALBERTO, ... | | |