Relationships between soil texture, physical protection of organic matter, soil biota, and C and N mineralization in grassland soils J Hassink, LA Bouwman, KB Zwart, J Bloem, L Brussaard Soil structure/soil biota interrelationships, 105-128, 1993 | 457 | 1993 |
Relationships between habitable pore space, soil biota and mineralization rates in grassland soils J Hassink, LA Bouwman, KB Zwart, L Brussaard Soil Biology and Biochemistry 25 (1), 47-55, 1993 | 408 | 1993 |
Simulation of nitrogen mineralization in the below-ground food webs of two winter wheat fields PC De Ruiter, JC Moore, KB Zwart, LA Bouwman, J Hassink, J Bloem, ... Journal of Applied Ecology, 95-106, 1993 | 353 | 1993 |
Dynamics of microorganisms, microbivores and nitrogen mineralisation in winter wheat fields under conventional and integrated management J Bloem, G Lebbink, KB Zwart, LA Bouwman, S Burgers, JA De Vos, ... Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 51 (1-2), 129-143, 1994 | 165 | 1994 |
Biomass, composition and temporal dynamics of soil organisms of a silt loam soil under conventional and integrated management. L Brussaard, LA Bouwman, M Geurs, J Hassink, KB Zwart Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science 38 (3A), 283-302, 1990 | 140 | 1990 |
The ecology of bacterivorous protozoans and nematodes in arable soil LA Bouwman, KB Zwart Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 51 (1-2), 145-160, 1994 | 137 | 1994 |
Isolation and characterization of Methanoplanus endosymbiosus sp. nov., an endosymbiont of the marine sapropelic ciliate Metopus contortus quennerstedt JJA Van Bruggen, KB Zwart, JGF Hermans, EM Van Hove, CK Stumm, ... Archives of Microbiology 144, 367-374, 1986 | 122 | 1986 |
Methanobacterium formicicum, an endosymbiont of the anaerobic ciliateMetopus striatus McMurrich JJA van Bruggen, KB Zwart, RM van Assema, CK Stumm, GG Vogels Archives of microbiology 139, 1-7, 1984 | 121 | 1984 |
Development of amine oxidase-containing peroxisomes in yeasts during growth on glucose in the presence of methylamine as the sole source of nitrogen K Zwart, M Veenhuis, JP Van Dijken, W Harder Archives of Microbiology 126, 117-126, 1980 | 91 | 1980 |
Vertical gradients of δ15N and δ18O in soil atmospheric N2O—temporal dynamics in a sandy soil JW Van Groenigen, KB Zwart, D Harris, C van Kessel Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry: An International Journal Devoted …, 2005 | 86 | 2005 |
Simulation of dynamics in nitrogen mineralisation in the belowground food webs of two arable farming systems PC De Ruiter, J Bloem, LA Bouwman, WAM Didden, GHJ Hoenderboom, ... Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 51 (1-2), 199-208, 1994 | 82 | 1994 |
Rhizosphere protozoa: their significance in nutrient dynamics. KB Zwart, PJ Kuikman, JA Veen | 81 | 1994 |
Population dynamics in the belowground food webs in two different agricultural systems KB Zwart, S Burgers, J Bloem, LA Bouwman, L Brussaard, G Lebbink, ... Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 51 (1-2), 187-198, 1994 | 80 | 1994 |
Cytochemical Localization of Hydrogenase Activity in the Anaerobic Protozoa Trichomonas vaginalis, Plagiopyla nasuta and Trimyema compressum KB Zwart, NK Goosen, MW Van Schijnde, CAM Broers, CK Stumm, ... Microbiology 134 (8), 2165-2170, 1988 | 78 | 1988 |
High‐Rate two‐phase process for the anaerobic degradation of cellulose, employing rumen microorganisms for an efficient acidogenesis HJ Gijzen, KB Zwart, FJM Verhagen, GP Vogels Biotechnology and bioengineering 31 (5), 418-425, 1988 | 78 | 1988 |
Biochar in European soils and agriculture S Shackley, G Ruysschaert, K Zwart, B Glaser Science and practice, 2016 | 76 | 2016 |
Stable-isotope analysis of a combined nitrification-denitrification sustained by thermophilic methanotrophs under low-oxygen conditions R Pel, R Oldenhuis, W Brand, A Vos, JC Gottschal, KB Zwart Applied and Environmental Microbiology 63 (2), 474-481, 1997 | 73 | 1997 |
Isolation of a Methanogenic Endosymbiont of the Sapropelic Amoeba Pelomyxa palustris Greeff JJAVAN BRUGGEN, GLMVAN RENS, EJM Geertman, KB Zwart, ... The Journal of protozoology 35 (1), 20-23, 1988 | 61 | 1988 |
Application of rumen microorganisms for an enhanced anaerobic degradation of solid organic waste materials HJ Gijzen, HJ Lubberding, FJ Verhagen, KB Zwart, GD Vogels Biological Wastes 22 (2), 81-95, 1987 | 60 | 1987 |
Subsoil 15N-N2O Concentrations in a Sandy Soil Profile After Application of 15N-fertilizer JW van Groenigen, PJ Georgius, C van Kessel, EWJ Hummelink, ... Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 72, 13-25, 2005 | 58 | 2005 |