The Goal/Question/Metric Method: a practical guide for quality improvement of software development R Van Solingen, EW Berghout McGraw-Hill, 1999 | 1663* | 1999 |
Methodologies for information systems investment evaluation at the proposal stage: a comparative review TJW Renkema, EW Berghout Information and Software Technology 39 (1), 1-13, 1997 | 322 | 1997 |
Interrupts: just a minute never is R Van Solingen, E Berghout, F Van Latum IEEE software 15 (5), 97-103, 1998 | 157 | 1998 |
From process improvement to people improvement: enabling learning in software development R van Solingen, E Berghout, R Kusters, J Trienekens Information and Software Technology 42 (14), 965-971, 2000 | 70 | 2000 |
Management of lifecycle costs and benefits: Lessons from information systems practice E Berghout, M Nijland, P Powell Computers in Industry 62 (7), 755-764, 2011 | 69 | 2011 |
The eleven years of the European Conference on IT evaluation: retrospectives and perspectives for possible future research E Berghout, D Remenyi Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation 8 (2), pp81‑98-pp81‑98, 2005 | 69 | 2005 |
Integrating goal-oriented measurement in industrial software engineering: industrial experiences with and additions to the Goal/Question/Metric method (GQM) R Van Solingen, E Berghout Proceedings Seventh International Software Metrics Symposium, 246-258, 2001 | 66 | 2001 |
Methodologies for investment evaluation: a review and assessment E Berghout, TJ Renkema Information Technology evaluation methods and management, 78-97, 2001 | 63 | 2001 |
Understanding the impact of business cases on IT investment decisions: An analysis of municipal e-government projects E Berghout, CW Tan Information & management 50 (7), 489-506, 2013 | 61 | 2013 |
Cost management of IT beyond cost of ownership models: a state of the art overview of the Dutch financial services industry H Van Maanen, E Berghout Evaluation and Program Planning 25 (2), 167-173, 2002 | 44 | 2002 |
Seven ways to get your favoured IT project accepted—Politics in IT evaluation E Berghout, M Nijland, K Grant Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation 8 (1), pp31‑40-pp31‑40, 2005 | 36 | 2005 |
Evaluation of Information System Proposals: Design of a Decision Support Method: Doctoral Dissertation, Delft University of Technology EW Berghout Delft University Press, 1997 | 29 | 1997 |
The Goal/Question/Metric Method E Berghout, R Van Solingen McGraw-Hill, 1999 | 25 | 1999 |
Calculating the importance of information systems: The method of Bedell revisited P Schuurman, EW Berghout, P Powell | 22 | 2008 |
Application of software measurement at Schlumberger RPS: Towards enhancing GQM R van Solingen, F Van Latum, M Oivo, E Berghout Proceedings of the 6 th European Software Control and Metrics (ESCOM …, 1995 | 22 | 1995 |
Resource complementarity and IT economies of scale: Mechanisms and empirical evidence U Woudstra, E Berghout, CW Tan, P van Eekeren, G Dedene Information Systems Management 34 (2), 185-199, 2017 | 19 | 2017 |
Full life cycle management and the IT management paradox E Berghout, M Nijland The make or break issues in IT management: a guide to 21st century …, 2002 | 19 | 2002 |
The business case for ICT investment evaluation in nonprofit organisations J Braaksma, A Commandeur, EW Berghout | 18 | 2008 |
Advanced Digital Auditing: Theory and Practice of Auditing Complex Information Systems and Technologies E Berghout, R Fijneman, L Hendriks, M de Boer, BJ Butijn Springer Nature; Open Access;, 2022 | 13 | 2022 |
A dilemma between decision quality and confidence in the decision: experimental validation of investment analysis methods E Berghout The Electronic Journal of Information System Evaluation 5 (1), 2001 | 13 | 2001 |