Các bài viết có thể truy cập công khai - Dinc ErdenizTìm hiểu thêm
Có tại một số nơi: 13
Effect of vanadium micro-alloying on the microstructural evolution and creep behavior of Al-Er-Sc-Zr-Si alloys
D Erdeniz, W Nasim, J Malik, AR Yost, S Park, A De Luca, NQ Vo, ...
Acta Materialia 124, 501-512, 2017
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Effects of Nb and Ta additions on the strength and coarsening resistance of precipitation-strengthened Al-Zr-Sc-Er-Si alloys
D Erdeniz, A De Luca, DN Seidman, DC Dunand
Materials Characterization 141, 260-266, 2018
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
In situ X-ray tomographic microscopy of Kirkendall pore formation and evolution during homogenization of pack-aluminized Ni–Cr wires
AEP y Puente, D Erdeniz, JL Fife, DC Dunand
Acta Materialia 103, 534-546, 2016
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Science Foundation
Deposition-based synthesis of nickel-based superalloy microlattices
D Erdeniz, TA Schaedler, DC Dunand
Scripta Materialia 138, 28-31, 2017
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Effect of diffusion distance on evolution of Kirkendall pores in titanium-coated nickel wires
AR Yost, D Erdeniz, AEP y Puente, DC Dunand
Intermetallics 104, 124-132, 2019
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Science Foundation
Structure and growth of core–shell nanoprecipitates in Al–Er–Sc–Zr–V–Si high-temperature alloys
W Nasim, S Yazdi, R Santamarta, J Malik, D Erdeniz, B Mansoor, ...
Journal of materials science 54, 1857-1871, 2019
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: Government of Spain
Effects of martensitic phase transformation on fatigue indicator parameters determined by a crystal plasticity model
JA Moore, JP Rusch, PS Nezhad, S Manchiraju, D Erdeniz
International Journal of Fatigue 168, 107457, 2023
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Science Foundation
Introduction-porous metals: from nano to macro
N Dukhan, YK Chen-Wiegart, AP y Puente, D Erdeniz, DC Dunand
Journal of Materials Research 35 (19), 2529-2534, 2020
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Kirkendall pore evolution during interdiffusion and homogenization of titanium-coated nickel microwires
AJ Bhattacharjee, AR Yost, D Erdeniz, DC Dunand, AEP y Puente
Intermetallics 134, 107199, 2021
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Science Foundation
Experimental and modeling study of compressive creep in 3D-woven Ni-based superalloys
HH Cho, D Erdeniz, KW Sharp, DC Dunand
Acta Materialia 155, 236-244, 2018
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US Department of Defense
Processing and characterization of liquid-phase sintered NiTi woven structures
D Erdeniz, RP Weidinger, KW Sharp, DC Dunand
Shape Memory and Superelasticity 4, 70-76, 2018
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense
Effect of wire size on the functional and structural fatigue behavior of superelastic nitinol
PS Nezhad, JA Moore, D Erdeniz
Materials Science and Engineering: A 895, 146218, 2024
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Science Foundation
Mechanical Behavior of Three-Dimensional Braided Nickel-Based Superalloys Synthesized via Pack Cementation
N Lippitz, D Erdeniz, KW Sharp, DC Dunand
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 49, 817-821, 2018
Các cơ quan ủy nhiệm: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Defense, German Research …
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