Using landscape hierarchies to guide restoration of disturbed ecosystems BJ Palik, PC Goebel, LK Kirkman, L West Ecological Applications 10 (1), 189-202, 2000 | 162 | 2000 |
Understanding controls on flow permanence in intermittent rivers to aid ecological research: Integrating meteorology, geology and land cover KH Costigan, KL Jaeger, CW Goss, KM Fritz, PC Goebel Ecohydrology 9 (7), 1141-1153, 2016 | 155 | 2016 |
Depressional wetland vegetation types: a question of plant community development LK Kirkman, PC Goebel, L West, MB Drew, BJ Palik Wetlands 20 (2), 373-385, 2000 | 152 | 2000 |
Development of mixed-oak forests in southeastern Ohio: a comparison of second-growth and old-growth forests PC Goebel, DM Hix Forest ecology and management 84 (1-3), 1-21, 1996 | 131 | 1996 |
Predicting plant species diversity in a longleaf pine landscape LK Kirkman, PC Goebel, BJ Palik, LT West Ecoscience 11 (1), 80-93, 2004 | 112 | 2004 |
Forest ecosystems of a Lower Gulf Coastal Plain landscape: multifactor classification and analysis PC Goebel, BJ Palik, LK Kirkman, MB Drew, L West, DC Pederson Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, 47-75, 2001 | 106 | 2001 |
Are lianas increasing in importance in temperate floodplain forests in the southeastern United States? BP Allen, RR Sharitz, PC Goebel Forest Ecology and Management 242 (1), 17-23, 2007 | 93 | 2007 |
Plant diversity contributions of riparian areas in watersheds of the northern Lake States, USA PC Goebel, BJ Palik, KS Pregitzer Ecological Applications 13 (6), 1595-1609, 2003 | 79 | 2003 |
Pre-and post-European settlement fire history of red pine dominated forest ecosystems of Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Upper Michigan I Drobyshev, PC Goebel, DM Hix, RG Corace, ME Semko-Duncan Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38 (9), 2497-2514, 2008 | 78 | 2008 |
Twelve years post-hurricane liana dynamics in an old-growth southeastern floodplain forest BP Allen, RR Sharitz, PC Goebel Forest Ecology and Management 218 (1-3), 259-269, 2005 | 78 | 2005 |
Changes in the composition and structure of mixed-oak, second-growth forest ecosystems during the understory reinitiation stage of stand development PC Goebel, DM Hix Ecoscience 4 (3), 327-339, 1997 | 62 | 1997 |
How can we span the boundaries between wildland fire science and management in the United States? SD Kocher, E Toman, SF Trainor, V Wright, JS Briggs, CP Goebel, ... Journal of Forestry 110 (8), 421-428, 2012 | 56 | 2012 |
Geomorphic variation in riparian tree mortality and stream coarse woody debris recruitment from record flooding in a coastal plain stream B Palik, S Golladay, C Goebel, BW Taylor Ecoscience 5 (4), 551-560, 1998 | 55 | 1998 |
Interactions among forest composition, structure, fuel loadings and fire history: a case study of red pine-dominated forests of Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Upper Michigan I Drobyshev, PC Goebel, DM Hix, RG Corace III, ME Semko-Duncan Forest Ecology and Management 256 (10), 1723-1733, 2008 | 50 | 2008 |
Fire effects on soils in Lake States forests: a compilation of published research to facilitate long-term investigations JR Miesel, PC Goebel, RG Corace III, DM Hix, R Kolka, B Palik, ... Forests 3 (4), 1034-1070, 2012 | 48 | 2012 |
Shifts in attributes along agriculture-forest transitions of two streams in central Ohio, USA CW Goss, PC Goebel, SMP Sullivan Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 197, 106-117, 2014 | 45 | 2014 |
The foundation species influence of eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) on biodiversity and ecosystem function on the Unglaciated Allegheny Plateau KL Martin, PC Goebel Forest Ecology and Management 289, 143-152, 2013 | 44 | 2013 |
A functional approach to riparian area delineation using geospatial methods KL Holmes, PC Goebel Journal of Forestry 109 (4), 233-241, 2011 | 44 | 2011 |
Geomorphic and riparian forest influences on characteristics of large wood and large‐wood jams in old‐growth and second‐growth forests in Northern Michigan, USA AEL Morris, PC Goebel, BJ Palik Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 32 (8), 1131-1153, 2007 | 44 | 2007 |
Landscape hierarchies influence riparian ground-flora communities in Wisconsin, USA PC Goebel, KS Pregitzer, BJ Palik Forest Ecology and management 230 (1-3), 43-54, 2006 | 44 | 2006 |